Liu Zhiwen looks at Su Hongshan leisurely and looks at Han Dazhuang, who is always serious.

Pick up the tea cup on the table and taste the tea carefully.

After a long time, he put down his tea cup, looked at Su Hongshan, and said with a faint smile:

"Mrs. Han is modest. If Mrs. Han doesn't share this prescription, I'm afraid that in time, our time-honored brand will not be comparable to your small workshop. In a word, we rely on you."

Su Hongshan did not miss the expression on Liu Zhiwen's face.

Heart way he said so should be in the heart of the head has moved to her proposal, and at the moment of reserve should be to think why she put the prescription out of the reason.

After all, many people hold prescriptions in their hands. Even if they are brought into the soil, they will not let them pass on, especially some of the prescriptions handed down from their ancestors.

However, he carelessly took it out and sent it to the Liu family, who is basically a competitor...

if this question is not well answered, will he directly give up cooperation with himself.

The competition with Liu jiadang is definitely not good.

More than 90% of her competition can't be achieved by Liu's family, and win-win cooperation is the safest way at present.

Su Hongshan organized her words in her heart and said with a smile:

"Master Liu, you are a time-honored brand. Even if I hold Zhang Fangzi in my hand, I can't compete with you. Mr. Liu can cooperate with our small workshop and give us a little business. That's Mr. Liu. You are generous and willing to support us. I really appreciate you 。”

"Mr. Liu, in fact, you and I all know that there is not much road ahead of me. If I don't cooperate with you, it's not likely that my small workshop will continue to operate. It's better to cooperate with you than to earn that small amount of money. Moreover, according to my current technology, although we can make red bricks, because of the small scale, the market can't be opened for a while Master, you are not the same. "

"In the future, your Liujia kiln factory will make red bricks at a higher price than ours. We will take a high-end line. Our small workshop will not stop you in making green bricks. In the future, you will pursue a higher pattern. Our small workshop will earn some money."

Su Hongshan's words are good to hear, but what she thinks about is nothing more than pulling her teeth out of a tiger's mouth.

If it was not for her holding the recipe for red brick, she did not dare to have such a big appetite to take the whole county nearby to do green brick business.

In terms of technology, red brick is more strict than green brick. Su Hongshan can't make it at present. The main reason is that she doesn't have much capital in her hand, so she can only make green brick.

However, the bricks made by Liujia kiln factory for so many years have accumulated a certain amount of capital, which is bound to be made.

Su Hongshan's red brick formula is indeed a big temptation for them.

What Su Hongshan wants to do now is to use her red brick formula to trade for the green brick business around the county.

Although at first it seemed that she was at a loss. After all, the market would come out sooner or later with a prescription in her hand.

But it's not modern. Power is supreme here. She is a little village girl who has no power and no power to compete with the old brick kiln factory which has been running this business for many years. If it is not done well, she will not only lose her recipe, but also destroy her family.

Han Dazhuang is powerful, but she knows that most of the time, the power of the individual is far less than that of the family power.

At this time, cooperating with the Liu family, exchanging prescriptions for the market, and reaching a temporary cooperative relationship are the safest and fastest way to open up the market.

However, this method still has certain risks.

In case the Liu family is not a good person, she may face the risk of being robbed of the prescription or even her family being destroyed.

So it's important to look at people's venomous eyes.

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