"Yes, yes, girl. You can sell soup here." Another pancake seller said.

Su Hongshan sells soup here, and their business is also good. At this moment, she sells more soup than before.

Su Hongshan's hot soup, in addition to meat, also eat rice, usually eat three steamed bread, with spicy soup can eat five steamed bread.

Since their business is good, they all hope that Su Hongshan will come tomorrow.

Su Hongshan would not refuse their invitation, and it was really better to set up a stove here. The soup was always boiling and the taste was stronger.

However, Su Hongshan negotiated with the steamed bread stall owner, paid the stall fee, and decided to sell it here tomorrow.

Having settled the matter and setting up the stove, Su Hongshan once again thanks the enthusiastic stall owner nearby and goes back with Han Dazhuang.

When she went back, Su Hongshan went to other places to sell pork and bought the pig water and pig head that they didn't want.

Han Dazhuang pushes the scooter, while Su Hongshan sits on the scooter and counts the money she earns today.

A little more than 700 Wen. It's really a good income.

She is selling things in the town today. She has nothing to do with people. She also makes sure of the salary here.

The coolie on the wharf can earn 20 or 30 Wen a day, and those with great strength and quick action can earn 40 or 50 Wen at most, which is not a good thing every day.

She earns 700 Wen a day, which is really good.

Su Hongshan plans to make more to sell tomorrow.

However, since she had set up a stall beside other people's steamed bread and baked bread, she could not sell steamed bread any more.

She sells pig soup and they are mutually beneficial business, but if you add to the sale of steamed bread, that is to rob the business.

It is estimated that the owner of the steamed bread stall will not allocate the stall to her.

To be content in business, she is content.

After earning money, Su Hongshan bought two catties of cakes when she passed by the pastry shop. She planned to go back to feed the children and send some to the village head's house to thank them for helping to take care of the children.

The road is not good. It's bumpy to sit on the scooter. Su Hongshan gets up too early in the morning. She has been busy living and has no sense of feeling. Now, she is a little drowsy when she is bumping like this.

She simply lay on the scooter and wondered whether she had to buy an ox cart before she went to bed.

In the future, if you want to do business, it's not good to borrow the rickshaw from the village head's house all the time. She said vaguely, "Han Dazhuang, let's buy an ox cart."

Han Dazhuang nods, but Su Hongshan doesn't see it.

She was really tired, and as soon as she lay down, she fell asleep.

Seeing that she could sleep like this, Han Dazhuang couldn't help but wink at her eyelids. Her hand pushing the car was more stable, trying to make the car no longer bumpy.

Suddenly a cool breeze blows, Han Dazhuang frowns and stands still. He looks at Su Hongshan's thin clothes, and quickly takes off his coat and covers her.

When she arrived at the entrance of the village, Su Hongshan woke up and saw that she was covered with Han Dazhuang's coat.

She turned her head suspiciously and saw that Han Dazhuang had only a piece of grey linen clothes and a mandarin jacket on his body, which made her heart warm:

"you should put them on quickly. If you enter the village in such an untidy way, the villagers may not think that something has happened to us."


Han Dazhuang took over his clothes and put them on, and his eyebrows picked.

Su Hongshan: in a word, put on your clothes quickly

After taking the scooter all the way, Su Hongshan felt that her bumpy body was like a broken frame, and she didn't want to sit on the scooter any more, so she simply got down to walk and move her body.

What a coincidence, when I arrived at the entrance of the village, I met the woman who was watching Su Hongshan go to the town in a scooter in the morning: "Yo, Daya, how did you walk back without taking a scooter?"

Su Hongshan faint smile: "take a scooter bumpy, did not walk comfortable."

As soon as she left, the woman spat on the ground:

"I Pooh... And ride on the scooter... Who knows if it's Han Dazhuang who won't let you sit. What kind of costume do you pretend to be? Who doesn't know that you were bought by Han Dazhuang... Cut...

the woman swears and swears and meets the same village People, gossip about Su Hongshan's disguise.

I passed by the village head's home, picked up three children and gave them snacks.

The village head and the village head's daughter-in-law refused again. Su Hongshan insisted on leaving a snack:

"Auntie, we have to go to the town tomorrow, and I have to ask you to help look after the children. Don't refuse, otherwise I'm sorry to let my aunt Watch the children again."

"It's polite to see you, girl. I'll take this snack. The child will stay in our house tomorrow, but don't send anything tomorrow."After a few polite words with the village head's daughter-in-law, Su Hongshan took her three children home first, while Han Dazhuang followed the village head to handle the land lease.

Back home is a busy job, she has to clean the pig water to be used tomorrow, and also want to marinate the pig's head, and sell it to the town together tomorrow.

At the same time, she is still thinking about building a house. Han Dazhuang has one hundred taels, which can be used to build a house first, but she has to be busy selling her Korean hot soup.

It's a way to make money. She doesn't want to throw it away for the time being.

But she had to pay close attention to building a house, otherwise she would live in this thatched house in winter. She was afraid that she would be buried in the snow.

While she was busy living, Su Hongshan was thinking about these things. She also took time to ask her three children about their stay in the village head's house today, and whether the Su family had bothered them.

Su Shitou and Han Xiaoshan and Han Xiaoya all answered one by one.

Su Shitou said: "sister, let me go to the town with you tomorrow, and I can help with the dishes."

It's very good at the village head's home, but in his opinion, Han Xiaoshan and Han Xiaoya are not small enough. It's unnecessary for him to look after him. Moreover, his sister and brother-in-law are so busy that he can follow them and help. It's better than having a leisurely meal at home and asking his sister to give gifts to the village head's family to take care of them.

While Su Hongshan was busy living, she said, "you are not here. Who is looking at Xiaoshan? What if they let the Su family bully them? "

"Elder sister, at the village head's house, the Su family don't dare to mess around. Let me help you. I'm nine years old, not a child."

Su Hongshan wants to say that nine years old is a child. What can she do at the age of primary school.

But she also knows that nine years old is not really a child here. In a few years, she can get married and have children.

"OK, we'll go together tomorrow, just Xiaoshan and Xiaoya..."

Su Hongshan's eyes fell on Han Xiaoshan and Han Xiaoya, and she was a little worried.

The Su family is hateful and unreasonable. She is really afraid that she and Han Dazhuang will not be there. The Su family is angry with their two children.

"My mother, my brother and I will stay at the village head's house."

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