At the moment, all the dark guards are alert to stand at the most edge, every other distance on someone to guard, to prevent breaking through the male yellow powder circle of Python.

It's just that none of them looks very well.

It's too dense.

Moreover, most people see one or two of these things, and it will make people's scalp numb when they see so many of them all at once.

"Madam, it's OK here. You can go back to the camp first."

Seeing Su Hongshan coming, the dark guard immediately stops her from going forward.

These dark guards who have been specially trained look at the scalp numbness, really can't bear to let his wife see that dense scene.

Su Hongshan was pale, and her hair was on her head, but she shook her head in a firm voice and said:

"it's OK. I'll make sure of the effect."

Although it was realgar powder specially refined and strengthened, it was still a long night, and she was really worried that the powder would not be able to carry it.

"Madam, don't worry. So far, none of these things dare to approach. We should be safe tonight." Said the dark guard.

Su Hongshan nodded.

Indeed, all kinds of boa constrictors, each thicker than an adult's arm, were one meter away from the enclosure of realgar powder, and no one dared to approach.

But she had just breathed a sigh of relief, when suddenly a snake tried to get close to the realgar powder circle, and everyone's heart was raised.

Dark Wei is suddenly shot, crisp and neat to solve that a change almost break through.

But even so, the hearts of the people were still raised.

If there is a breakthrough, the outermost circle will be occupied immediately. Once the outermost circle is occupied, it is only a matter of time before the outer circle is occupied.

"Everyone's watching. No one can be put in." Liao Nan said nervously.

No one answered, everyone's attention was highly concentrated, and no one dared to relax their vigilance in such a large group.

There are such things around. All night, all the people are highly concentrated, just staring at the encirclement, and they have retreated from the outer circle to the third one.

As the two circles were broken, everyone was very dignified.

Once the last circle is broken, even if they are highly skilled in martial arts, they are unlikely to break through the encirclement in the face of so many dense crowds.

Fortunately, at dawn, these things finally showed signs of retreat.

"Is it less?" One of them murmured suddenly.

The others all nodded in unison: "it seems so."

After listening for a while, Su Hongshan raised her ears and looked up at the sky that seemed brighter than before. She thought and said:

"they are retreating. These things should appear after dark and hide before dawn."

With the fall of Su Hongshan's voice, the dense things are less.

Everyone was relieved.

When the day was completely light, the python which was still dense last night had disappeared completely, leaving only the obvious traces of crawling on the ground.

"It's gone. Let's have a safe time tonight. Those things won't come back." There is dark Wei, palpitation said.

Other people are in the same state, several people feel their legs are soft.

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