Two days later, the border between the two countries.

Han Yelin, the invincible God of war, was in charge of the eastern Shu army, and the northern Hu army was defeated and retreated.

This time, Han Yelin played very hard.

Under his leadership, the Dongshu army seemed to be tired. Just after winning a battle, the army immediately went on to the next battle, either sneaking attack or direct attack...

the morale of Beihu soldiers was getting worse and worse day by day.

But on this day, the morale of the whole army rose again.

A rare attack.

According to the law, they fought in the open area of the border, but not to attack and defend the city. The soldiers who scold are useless.

But this time, the North Hu army directly sent soldiers to curse the array.

The so-called swearing array is simple scolding, how ugly and how to scold.

Not only to scold, but also loud and clear.

Especially in the siege, when one side sticks to the city gate, a good scolding soldier who can scold the other general rushes out to kill.

And Han Yelin never did that.

If you want to fight, it's crisp.

And other people's scolding, for him, also does not work, his will will will never be broken because of the other party's abuse.

And usually, the other side also completely does not need to scold the soldier to appear.

Because the cursing battle is usually used to defend the city, and Han Yelin seldom fought the battle of defending the city. Almost all of them were attacking. The few battles defending the city were also played beautifully, and there was no need to close the city gate and ask the enemy's soldiers to use it.

Even occasionally, it is usually solved directly by him.

This time, Han Yelin was not defending the city, and the other side sent soldiers to curse. Naturally, Han Yelin directly solved the problem.

But the other side seems to have a continuous stream of scolding soldiers, he shot a, the other side will come up again, a pick up.

Since the beginning of the war, the northern Hu army has been passive. This time, it suddenly took the initiative and sent soldiers to curse in the case of not attacking the city. Han Yelin would not let his soldiers take risks until he was not sure that there were no traps in it.

So, he shot and killed each other's scolding soldiers one by one, but never sent out troops.

General Jin looked at his side of the people one by one just went up to be killed, can not disturb the other side, simply put out his trump card.

A prison car was pulled back up, bound on the cart, was a girl.

The girl's face, however, was Han Xiaoya.

As the tumbril came out, there was a scolding soldier. He pointed to the girl in the cart and started:

"turtle with shrinking head in Dongshu, who are you looking at? This is the daughter of your general Han. If you have the ability, you can shoot your arrows at here

"Han Yelin, you are a dog of Dongshu. Your daughter is caught but can't find it. Instead, she has to work for the dog emperor of Dongshu. Your daughter is in our hands. You can shoot her with an arrow."

Han Yelin's eyes narrowed dangerously.

He had good eyesight and could see clearly the girl's face in the prison car.

It's because I saw it that I was angry.

It's not because he really thinks it's Han Xiaoya, but because they are angry that the girl disguised as Han Xiaoya to threaten him.

That is to say, they have met Xiaoya.

Even, they are the culprit of Han Xiaoya.

Su Hongshan didn't say why han Xiaoya was in Beihu, but she was as smart as Han Yelin. How could she not know.

At the moment, to see that they even dare to use a girl disguised as Han Xiaoya as a pledge to threaten him, anger immediately rises in the heart.

He clenched the bow and arrow in his hand and looked at the other side coldly.

But in this way, he was misunderstood by his deputy general, who thought that it was really Han Yelin's daughter.

The disappearance of Han Yelin's children is not a secret in the capital.

There was a period of time still very fierce, and they did not know that Han Xiaoya had been found.

At the moment, looking at Han Yelin's appearance, deputy general is very nervous.

I'm afraid Han Yelin will be subject to this, but I'm afraid that general Han will lose his daughter.


the adjutant's voice was hard.

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