"Why let him go, ma'am?"

Rui Wang came here in private. Even if he was removed, no one knew that it was them who did it. At such a good opportunity, he really couldn't understand why he wanted to let him go.

For this, Liao Bei, who has never talked much, looks at Su Hongshan curiously.

Su Hongshan smile: "you forget, there is a king hidden in the dark?"

Liao Nan and Liao Bei were stunned for a moment.

Yes, there is a king of honor waiting for an opportunity in the dark. If King Rui died in their hands now, King Rong would act immediately, and the situation in the capital would be completely disadvantageous to them.

Now, in the capital, Rong Wang and Rui Wang are competing with each other, and the emperor has another snow princess who doesn't know whether it's true or not.

When King Rui died, the situation broke and the excitement broke up.

When the doubt is solved, Liao Nan stares at Su Hongshan nervously and asks:

"madam, are you really OK?"

Now, what they care about most is suhongshan's body.

Su Hongshan moved her hands and feet and asked with a smile, "do you think I'm not good?"

"It's not like that." Liao Nan scratched his head and laughed, finally relieved.

Su Hongshan gave him a glance: "all right, let's step back."

Han Xiaoya and 29 are both young and practicing martial arts. They have good physical fitness and wake up the earliest. They wake up before Rui Wang is taken away. They just watch Su Hongshan busy, so they don't speak in silence.

After Liao Nan and Liao Bei were sent away, Su Hongshan gave them another detailed pulse diagnosis. After confirming that they were OK, she laughed.

Han Xiaoya's eyes have been wandering on Su Hongshan ever since she woke up. Now after her pulse diagnosis, she can't help but pounce on her arms:


Looking at her red eyes, I knew that I was scared of her during this period of time. I rubbed her head with a smile:

"well, don't cry. Don't you see that my mother is all right? There's nothing more. "

Han Xiaoya nodded heavily, but her eyes were not willing to move away from her. She just looked at her and took her hand to let her lie down and have a rest:

"mother, you just happened to have a good rest. I'll give you a pulse."

Knowing that she was worried, suhongshan reached out to her and asked her to feel her pulse. She also laughed jokingly:

"are we taking turns to feel each other's pulse? You don't have to call a doctor when you're sick. "

Twenty nine also laughed with a puff of red eyes:

"my wife is a miracle doctor, and my young lady is very good at medicine. Where can I get a doctor?"

Then he realized that it was not right. He quickly said, "lady and lady are in good health. They won't get sick. There's no need to call a doctor."

"People get sick sometimes, but I like to hear the auspicious words."

Su Hongshan also laughed, but saw Han Xiaoya's small eyebrows tightly together. She couldn't help but said with a smile: "in the end, there are more worms in the body. It's inevitable to lose money. Don't worry, you'll make up for it later."


Han Xiaoya nodded her head in a small voice, took her hand away from Su Hongshan's wrist, looked at her pale face, and said: "mother, can you teach me how to cook?"

Then he quickly waved his hand: "no, I don't need my mother to teach me. My mother is directing me. I want to help my mother to make up for the loss."

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