"Shifu, this is not right. If you took your subordinates to settle here, it would not have developed into such a big city in hundreds of years." Suhongshan asked.

Wuxiangcheng, no matter in size or number, is no less than any state capital she has ever seen.

Such a large group of people can not be reproduced by the ancestors of Leng family with a few subordinates.

Dr. Leng glanced at her and said with pride:

"who is the ancestor of our Leng family? It's a famous person. It's both medicine and poison. I don't know how many people have gone to her. One by one, it's not so many. According to the records.

When wuxiangcheng was first built, every time a large fleet arrived, hundreds of people would be left behind. They started to reclaim wasteland, build large-scale projects and make self-reliance here with sufficient materials....

Su Hongshan: "the more you listen to it, the more mysterious it is. The more you listen to it, the more it is like the story of a passing woman coming here with golden fingers.

As Dr. Leng finished the story of his ancestors, Su Hongshan had finished her meal and put down her chopsticks. She slowly wiped her mouth and asked:

"master, I remember you said that the library of the Leng family was built with great manpower and material resources. Such a huge building, after the development of wuxiangcheng, why don't you build more such buildings? ”

Dr. Leng was stunned by Su Hongshan's words and murmured: "maybe no one knew that we should build such a building later."

"Why? It is also a matter of pride for craftsmen to build such a huge and magnificent building. These craftsmen must also have extraordinary technology. They should inherit such technology. " Su Hongshan said.

Dr. Leng shook his head and said, "these are not recorded."

"What about the craftsmen? Such a huge building, it should be recorded that the main craftsmen have those Suhongshan asked again.

Dr. Leng recalled the records he had seen, shaking his head and saying, "maybe it's a long time ago, and some of the records have disappeared? It only records that the construction of this library cost a lot of manpower and material resources, but the others are not mentioned. "

Su Hongshan raised her eyebrows, looked up at the inlaid night pearls on her head, and suddenly asked:

"the ancestors of the Leng family must have brought a huge amount of property before they came to wuxiangcheng. Such a large night pearl must have taken a great risk when it was brought here safely from the inland. There is also such a large number of books, once they meet pirates, or shipwrecks and so on I'm afraid we can't keep all the big assets. "

Su Hongshan said so, but she didn't think so.

The structure of the whole library is cone-shaped, and the smaller the area is, the less books there are. However, there are many night pearls on the sixth floor alone, and other floors are also included...

in order to make the whole library as bright as day at night, the number of night pearls is tens of thousands.

There are so many books in the collection. If we move them from the inland, I'm afraid it will be a big project.

Moreover, this is the library of the Leng family, which means that most of these books belong to the ancestor of the Leng family. No ordinary person can have such a large collection of books, especially those on the fifth and sixth floors. Even those on the fourth floor are extremely rare outside.

Therefore, it is impossible for the younger generation of the Leng family to collect books from outside, because no matter who owns such high-level books, they will not sell them freely, and if anyone has these powerful books, they will never be anonymous.

Even the characters hundreds of years ago will leave traces in history.

But in history, not to mention the people who owned these books, even these books were not recorded at all.

Where do these books come from?

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