The old city asked for a secret assessment of her.

The competition with sneer can be carried out, but it must be carried out in secret. Before she takes part in the wuxiangcheng young generation pharmacist competition, she can't reveal any of her strength.

Hearing the old city Lord's request, most people do not agree with it.

Some people said, "old city master, it's not right for us to intervene suddenly when we are surrounded by so many people on the test ground."

"Yes, old city Lord, we all know that you care about your apprentice, but if we intervene and don't let others see her competition, it will only make her reputation worse. Everyone will think that she is afraid to compete and use your identity to forcibly intervene in the competition."

"Old city master, we can understand your concern for your apprentice, but you are not good for your apprentice."

However, this time, Dr. Leng did not argue with these people as he did last time, and did not show any recognition of the apprentice's strength. He just stressed in a firm tone:

"you should take me as my old city master to make such a request. In a word, this competition must not be made public!"

His tone, calm and strong, seems to go back to many years ago when he was the Lord of the city.

These people did not speak any more. Leng Mingyan gave an order directly: "disperse all the people in the competition arena, bring a sneer, and the competition and examination will be conducted in the conference hall at the same time."

So, there was the next thing that Dr. Leng went to see suhongshan in person.

Also had sneer to tidy up, just arrived on the test platform, was taken away by the city Lord guard forcibly scene.

On the test field, looking at the sneer that was forcibly taken away by the city leader's guard, everyone was dumbfounded.

Like the guesses of the teachers in the Council hall, everyone was talking:

someone said, "suhongshan, this is too blatant. Can you do whatever you want if you are the apprentice of the old city master? The front foot agreed to compete, the back foot let the person sneer to grasp? How arrogant

"It's too bad to sneer. When I met such an opponent, I was very protective of her before sneering!"

"If you agree to the contest, you can go back on it. Not only do you go back on it, but you also take advantage of your master to arrest people and treat such people as opponents. He sneers that it's not bad luck. Who's bad luck?"

"The old city master is not afraid to lose the face of Leng's family if he accepts such an apprentice?"


everyone is talking about it.

Some people can still think calmly about what happened. If they don't make a conclusion at will, those who originally envied that suhongshan could be accepted as an apprentice by the old city owner would be blatantly discrediting.

As if they were afraid that other people would not know Su Hongshan's bad behavior, they talked loudly, and even formed a clamorous voice, asking the old city master to drive this bad apprentice out of the school.

Especially the group headed by Xie Liang.

"In my opinion, it's not so simple, or we'd better ask the old city master."

Xie Liang is still a good man to comfort the excited and angry younger martial brothers and sisters. What he says seems to be an explanation for Su Hongshan, but every sentence is very provocative.

He said: "the old city master cherishes his feathers all his life. He should not do such things. He should do so for his own reasons. Let's ask the old city master. Our Leng family always allows students to have friendly competitions in private to promote their progress. There should be some misunderstanding in this matter."

The voice that he proposed to go directly to the old city Lord sounded, and immediately someone echoed:

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