Just take a look at the herbs he collected to know what kind of poison he was going to mix. Did he reserve the herbs needed for the antidote in advance?


What did he say? Five different poisons?

"You say five?"

With a sneer, his face was full of disbelief. He didn't care to ask her how the herbs she collected could just prepare the antidote for his poison. So many herbs, the antidote might be any kind of herbs, so she just picked them.

All the problems he had left in his mind were the five different poisons she had just said.

He suddenly grabbed suhongshan's arm and said, "you just said that the medicines I collected can be made into five different poisons?"

Suhongshan was caught by her and almost lost her hand, wasting the medicinal materials. Fortunately, she was steady.

"Let go!" She gave a cold look and a sneer.

Sneer then realized his gaffe, quickly released his hand, look still excited way:

"you just said five? Really? Can those herbs really be used to make five different poisons? I only know one. Can you tell me the other four? "

Su Hongshan nodded and said faintly, "I'm not free recently. If you're interested in it... I'm short of an assistant to practice with me recently. You can be my assistant for a few days, and I'll tell you."

"Good! I promise you

Sneer almost did not want to agree to come down.

At this moment, he is still dissatisfied with suhongshan. All he is satisfied with is worship.

She is not worthy to be the apprentice of the old city Lord, so no one can be worthy of her.

"What do I need to do?"

Sneer directly brought himself into suhongshan's assistant.

Su Hongshan's hand movement did not decrease, and said faintly:

"even now, it's still in the competition, and I have already dealt with these herbs, so I don't need any help."


Standing on the side with a sneer, she did not miss any action in suhongshan's hand.

Then he found that it was the same antidote, but suhongshan's treatment was obviously different from his.

After suhongshan's antidote was given to the patient, the difference was even more obvious.

After su Hongshan's antidote was fed, it was almost immediate. The face of the pharmacist was gradually ruddy. In a quarter of an hour, the toxin in her body was forced out by the medicine.

Although the antidote with sneer didn't come in handy, he knew that his antidote was far less effective than suhongshan's.

"How on earth did you..." Sneering at suhongshan, she asked excitedly.

It was still some time before the contest ended, and suhongshan was not in a hurry, so she just talked to him.

After all, it is to find the next few days to help her deal with medicinal materials, suhongshan's attitude is still very good.

He not only told him why her antidote was better than sneer's, but also told him the other four poisons and why she just picked the antidote she needed for his poison.

"In fact, it's very simple. I've seen the direction you're going. You're going to the north mountain. The herbs growing there all like Yin. According to this characteristic, we can roughly infer that the herbs you may pick will be halved again because they are poison making.

Then according to these herbs, I will think of several commonly used poisons. In order to win me, you will not use them. "

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