It's clear that you can draw it slowly without fear or danger, but now you have to take risks.

He was silent for a moment, and said: "it's nothing to give up this incongruity, but..."

"brother Shen, if we want to take action, we must take advantage of these two days." Nangong said.

These two days are just the time of the game. Leng's side is guarding against their attack on suhongshan. It is estimated that many people are used to protect suhongshan's safety. At this time, it is easier to succeed.

If you miss these two days and want to take action later, you must join hands with four companies.

However, it has been 20 years since they cultivated their own forces. It is not that they did not take any action, nor that they had no chance before. Instead, the four families have not reached an agreement, and none of them is sure to bring them out alone.

As far as the current situation is concerned, they still can't guarantee that the other two will be with them.

In this case, if we want to work together, we can't accomplish it overnight. Maybe we need to wait a few years, or even more than ten years.

Master Shen: "it's really a good time. If we can join hands with the other two families..."

"my good brother, if we join hands, the power of the Leng family will be divided into four families. If we act by ourselves and swallow the Leng family unprepared, then the other two families will only be trampled by us. If we give us more time, then you and I will be left in wuxiangcheng It's not impossible to have two. "

Nangong's words are really attractive.

At that time, they will be the status of the Leng family. The other families will be destroyed. If the remaining small families want to develop, they will need at least one hundred years. This hundred years will be their world.

And Nangong family...

SHEN family master's eyes narrowed slightly.

Just at this time, the Nangong family leader continued: "as for the Nangong family, elder brother Shen doesn't know. Our Nangong family always takes the lead of the Shen family. After the event is completed, we Nangong family only need three achievements."

"Brother Shen knows that he has no ambition. He just hopes that the Nangong family can continue. But brother Shen also sees that if we don't move in wuxiangcheng, the other two families may also move, and we have always had discord with them. Once they move, we will be in a passive position, even if the four families win the Leng family, But we can't guarantee that the two families will think of us. "

Having said that, the Nangong master did not go on.

And the master of the Shen family was silent all the time. He didn't worry about the Nangong family.

Originally, the Nangong family was weaker than the Shen family. Even if the two families were divided equally after swallowing the cold family's power, the Nangong family was not their opponent.

However, the two families and the Shen family have been quarreling all the time. Most of the time, they have done it intentionally for the Leng family, but there are many times. It's impossible to do it intentionally this time. More often, it's true. Today you rob me of my territory, and tomorrow I rob you of some herbs. This kind of thing happens from time to time.

Even when the two families get together, they seldom live in peace.

If they join hands, it's really hard to guarantee that they will not have the heart.

"Brother Nangong, only 30% Although he had made a decision in his heart, the master of the Shen family still asked.

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