Han Xiaoshan nodded heavily, covered the pain of his eyes, and then asked:

"by the way, mother, do you say that my sister is learning to poison? What's going on? How did you find your sister? Is there anything wrong with her

Su Hongshan clearly saw the pain of his eyes, couldn't help rubbing the top of his hair, sighed, and said: "don't worry, Xiaoya is as dangerous as a stone, as for learning Gu..."

Su Hongshan roughly told Han Xiaoya about learning Gu with Wu Gu's sisters, and said:

"although the two masters have different personalities, they are not so dangerous It's weird, but they're all very nice people, and they all like Xiaoya very much. "

"But Gu..." Han Xiaoshan was a little worried and wanted to stop talking.

How can Susan not know what he is thinking? When Han Xiaoya wanted to learn Gu, she didn't want to. She always thought it was bad for girls to learn those things, but there was a saying that Han Xiaoya was right.

She said: "mother knows what you are thinking, but your sister has a saying that is right. She said it's a good thing to learn more of the same skills. In case she meets the Gu master again in the future, she won't be afraid. Don't worry, Xiaoya, she has a sense of propriety."

Listen to her say so, Han Xiaoshan also no longer say what, just in the heart is still worried, just looking forward to the end of things here, they can leave wuxiangcheng, see sister as soon as possible.

The three have not seen each other for almost a year. Sitting in the tent, they talked about what happened during this period of time and the current situation in the capital. It was very late.

Looking at the full moon hanging high, and Han Xiaoshan, who had fallen asleep at ease, Han Yelin painfully looked at Su Hongshan:

"lady, you can sleep for a while, if you don't want me to watch, it will be OK."

Su Hongshan is very tired, but she doesn't get wuxiangguo. She can make an antidote to revive Su Shitou. She can't sleep until she's sure he's OK.

Especially at this critical time.

However, for Han Yelin's Distressed eyes, she still went to lie down and put her head on his thigh:

"OK, I'll squint for a while."

Han Yelin nodded, looked at her, closed her eyes, patted her shoulder gently, imitating the way Su Hongshan used to coax Han Xiaoya to sleep, hoping to give her a good rest.

But half a day later, suhongshan didn't sleep at all.

She suddenly opened her eyes, looked at Han Yelin's chin, and said:

"Han Yelin, I can't sleep."

"Go to sleep. I'll keep watch. It'll be OK."

Han Yelin continued to pat her on the shoulder, his eyes were full of heartache and said: "you haven't had a good rest in this period of time, and you will not mature until tomorrow night. Before that, we can only wait..."

as he was saying this, he saw Su Hongshan change her posture, lay on his lap, looked at him and said: "would you like to sing a song for me, I haven't heard you sing 。”

Han Yelin: "please remember the first domain name of this book: ddxstxt8.com. Reading website of zenith novel mobile version: m.ddxstxt8.com


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