"Who?" Han Yelin said coldly.

At the same time, suhongshan also opened her eyes and listened to the movements around her. Together with Han Yelin, she got up and went outside the tent.

There was a fight outside the tent, but with Leng's guards and suhongshan's dark guards, the fight ended in a moment.

Liao Nan escorts people over and reports: "master, madam, it's a remnant force of the Shen family. The target is the young master. He has been taken."

This is not difficult to understand.

In the Shen family's view, it was Han Xiaoshan, the spy, who led to the failure of their whole plan. The remaining forces could not swallow this tone and naturally wanted to fight back.

Su Hongshan was not surprised by the Shen family's counterattack. Anyway, now that she had been caught, she waved her hand casually: "just give the man to the Lord of the city. "

after the defeat of the Shen family, the leader of the Shen family and the whole Shen family have been arrested, and the rest are also some residual forces, so it is not enough to be afraid.

Moreover, in order to be safe, suhongshan also arranged a lot of people to guard here. They were not afraid that someone would continue to assassinate her.

The assassination came and went quickly. When it was over, suhongshan didn't feel sleepy, so she just stood under the tree and waited.

It's already half afternoon since Leng Mingyan finished dealing with the affairs in the city.

He looked at the sky outside and asked, "what time is it?"

The guard who had been guarding him answered, "back to the Lord, it's time."

"What about the old city master? Still guarding Mr. Su? " Leng Mingyan asked.


"Younger martial sister... Where's Miss Su?" Leng Mingyan blurted out the word "younger martial sister". Thinking of the speculation before yesterday's competition, he quickly changed his words.

"Waiting for wuxiangguo to mature in wuxiangguoshu, the remnant forces of the Shen family attacked Miss Su and Mr. Han last night, but they have been arrested and are now in prison..." the guard dutifully reported the situation of Su Hongshan.

Leng Mingyan has been very busy, so after the remaining forces of the Shen family who attacked Su Hongshan and others were captured, the guards didn't report it to Leng Mingyan for the time being after they found out that there were no casualties there.

After all, he is busy with everything in the city.

Which think of, Leng Ming Yan hears this words, facial expression suddenly changed: "what do you say? Shen family's remnant forces attack them? How are you? Did you get hurt? How can you report it now? "

Leng Mingyan said and went out.

The guard was anxious to keep up with him: "Lord, there are no casualties in Miss Su's side, and the residual forces of Shen's family are out of the question..."

"order to go down and seize the residual forces of Shen's family and Nangong's family, and send more people to Miss Su's side." Leng Mingyan walks like the wind, and commands while walking.

"Chui Zhu, Miss Su has plenty of people. There are many things in the city, and they need to be on guard against the Liu family and Xue family taking advantage of the situation to make trouble..."

before the guard's words were finished, Leng Ming Yan's cold voice said: "are you the Lord of the city or am I the Lord of the city? Why don't you be the Lord of the city

Although Leng Mingyan is serious and indifferent, he has always been a person who can't listen to advice. That's why the guard dare to say that. He never thought that today's Lord of the city was furious. The guard was stunned and fell on his knees with a puff:

"my subordinates should die. The Lord of the city forgives me."

Leng Ming Yan's steps didn't listen, continued to command: "go to arrange as soon as possible."

At the same time, he turned over and went to the place where Wuxiang fruit trees grew.

The guard has been following Leng Mingyan. He knows what happened on the field. He knows that those people talk about the resemblance between Miss Su and the Lord of the city. But after that, the Lord of the city doesn't show any difference.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

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