"Girl, Grandpa wants to tell you something."

After he was happy, Dr. Leng looked at suhongshan seriously, and his lips could not stop rising. The more he looked at her, the more he felt that she should be a member of his family. When he saw her, he fell in love with her, which made him want to accept her as an apprentice.

And Leng Wumian that boy is the same at first sight, just a chance encounter on the road, let that boy mind a mouthful, a su elder sister called.

It seems that God has long hinted to them that this girl is their cold family, but he is too slow. He looks so similar. Why didn't he think about it before.

After all, it's Leng Mingyan's fault. He went to sleep with his mother 20 years ago and didn't say a word. If he had known that he had made a man outside, he might have suspected it as soon as he saw the girl.

"Teacher..." Su Hongshan almost blurted out a master, and quickly changed her mouth: "what's the matter?"

I'm used to calling master. I can't change it for a while.

But Dr. Leng hesitated a little now, and opened his mouth several times before he successfully said something: "it's... Or you'd better call me grandfather instead, girl. It's actually quite complicated... It was 20 years ago..."


before Dr. Leng finished speaking, Leng Mingyan rushed after him.

Just now, his subordinates were reporting the results to him. Unexpectedly, his father suddenly passed by. When he heard this at the door, he came to find suhongshan with laughter.

This is not, for fear that Dr. Leng could not make it clear that he would mess up the matter, so he came after him in a hurry.

It caught him off guard. Originally, he was ready to think about how to tell Su Hongshan about it. After all, he was wrong at that time. I'm sorry for his mother... Now I don't even have to think about it.

"You are just in time. Come on, tell the little girl that he is your daughter."


Leng Mingyan nervously went to see Su Hongshan, the leader of the city without a prime minister. After so many years of hard talking, cold sweat came out on her forehead.

Cold doctor looking at cold Ming Yan that can't go up the appearance of the table, a burst of anxiety: "you kid quickly say."

Leng Mingyan: "girl, this thing... In fact...

" in fact, if you don't say it, I'll tell you, girl, grandfather. I'm your own grandfather, and this smelly boy is your own father. In the future, don't call my master, call my grandfather, come on, call grandfather, listen to me. "

It's really... When I first met her, the girl called her grandfather. Why did he have to make the girl worship herself as a teacher? Why did he have to call her master instead.

However, Dr. Leng's embarrassment is more of an embarrassment than a pleasure.

But she was only happy, but she didn't shout for a long time. She thought she couldn't accept the fact, so she quickly pulled Leng Mingyan to her side:

"smelly boy, explain to the girl how you were chased and killed, how you gave birth to the girl, and take out all the human and material evidence."

Su Hongshan: "human evidence and material evidence?

Where does this kind of thing come from?

Leng Mingyan was too embarrassed to look directly at Su Hongshan. He had lived half his life and had never been so embarrassed.

This made him say in front of his daughter what happened in those years and how he had her...

but doctor Leng was only happy, and could not understand the embarrassment of Leng Mingyan at all, so he hastened: "smelly boy, say it."

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