My daughter has great ability. She can't open a restaurant without backstage business. She really doesn't need his father's help.

But... Why do you feel so miserable.

He is the leader of the city. Why is it so difficult for him to help his daughter?

Leng Mingyan said suddenly after a while: "dear daughter, do you want to open another restaurant for your husband, which can accommodate thousands of people at one time."

It's not the first time for Leng Mingyan to open a restaurant.

Since Su Hongshan began to prepare to open a restaurant in wuxiangcheng, Leng Mingyan was just grinding her ears.

Looking at Leng Mingyan's expectant appearance, suhongshan suddenly can't bear to refuse him any more, and she is really going to leave soon. It will take two months for her to pass away. Leng Mingyan will worry that she will seldom come here in the future, so she should leave some thoughts for him.

With this in mind, Su Hongshan said: "the restaurant must be open, not only the restaurant, but also Hongyu's cosmetics workshop, clothing workshop and various shops."

"Yes, yes." Leng Mingyan's chicken pecked rice and continued to look forward to Su Hongshan: "when?"

"How about father? It's really something else in the capital of Eastern Sichuan. We have to leave recently. I can't take care of opening big restaurants and other shops. " Su Hongshan tried.

Sure enough, see Leng Mingyan happy with a child like, a strong nod, bet: "well, this son to the father, the father will help you handle."

First of all, the restaurant must not be such a small shop. It must be a good daughter's restaurant that covers at least one house size and at least three stories high. Then other shops can't be small, and there are other workshops and so on. Are they all built together?

Leng Mingyan suddenly thought of a great idea, and immediately said to Su Hongshan:

"girl, do you think it's ok? We'll open Hongyu restaurant, Hongyu cosmetics and other shops together, and rebuild a street for my father. It's full of Hongyu's shops, especially restaurants. We can open big ones, and at least have to accommodate tens of thousands of people to eat together And the cosmetics shop, the clothing shop, by the way, and the workshop, the front is the shop, the back is the workshop directly, you see if this is OK, or I'll ask someone to draw a drawing for you later, if you see if it's OK, I'll ask someone to start as soon as possible...

suhongshan can't help but stare big eyes and praise her father's bold idea.

It's just that...

"it's convenient to go directly to a street, but my father, Hongyu's business is so small that he can't use such a large space." Suhongshan said helplessly.

The idea is good, and it also reminds her of the modern pedestrian street, but the reality is very hard to see. Hongyu's various industries are indeed rich, but Hongyu alone can't pull up a street.

Seeing the cold hell burning look, he broke down again.

Su Hongshan said: "if my father wants to build it, he can build it first, and then we can recruit other businesses."

In this way, it can be regarded as a commercial street. It is convenient for the family to do business, and it can also be rented to earn rent.

That's a good idea.

It can only be realized in wuxiangcheng, which is completely ruled by the Leng family. If other places have complicated forces, it is not easy to realize it, that is, it is not easy to realize the previous wuxiangcheng.

When Su Hongshan said this, Leng Mingyan's eyes lit up.

He can finally do something for his daughter.

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