Dr. Leng received the news, so did Su Hongshan and Han Yelin.

Leng Ruxue became the emperor's woman, which they knew before, but ye Yucheng became the national teacher, but they had to be alert.

However, Han Yelin's information is more complete than that of Dr. Leng. He knows that the one in the palace is not really as cold as snow. The real one is always with Ye Yucheng.

So, who is the cold snow in the palace?

This has not been found.

Su Hongshan also heard about doctor Leng's anger. After thinking about it, she went to talk about it. For nothing else, she didn't want to be angry with her grandfather when he was very old.

It's said that Leng Ruxue didn't really become an imperial concubine for the emperor, but the imperial concubine in the palace was inspired by her and stood up to her name. Doctor Leng's anger not only didn't disappear, but also became more and more angry. The table slapped angrily:

"she doesn't take the reputation of wuxiangcheng seriously. She's OK, but she still stares at the name of wuxiangcheng... No, I can't You have to scold that smelly boy, and invite such a disaster home. "

Then let people take the pen and ink, the beginning is a big scold, finished just put Leng Ruxue in Beijing to do things again, finish saying angry again, and then a scold.

When a letter was finished, there were eight pages. Except for the middle part, which said Leng Ruxue had done, Leng Mingyan was scolded for being stupid and asked Leng Mingyan to send someone to catch Leng Ruxue.

"Send it back quickly and read it to him word by word!" Dr. Leng handed the envelope to the special person to send it back. He had to read it word by word. He thought that Leng Mingyan was scolding him at the beginning, for fear that he would throw the letter away if he didn't finish reading it.

But the guard who was in charge of delivering the letter was weak. The old city Lord was angry when he wrote a letter just now. There must be no good words in this letter.

Let him do it, do not think that he can't finish what the old city Lord told him. After reading that the city Lord has no face and no light, he must be guilty.

Anyway, it's not a good job.

Looking at the guard Ku ha ha's appearance, Su Hongshan immediately understood what was going on and said, "wait a minute, I'll write a letter, and you can take it back with me."

As soon as the guard heard this, he looked at Su Hongshan prayingly, hoping that her letter would say something good about the Lord of the city. According to the Lord's love for her, if she followed the whole story again, she would not be good... But if she said something good or praised, he would not be able to escape.

Su Hongshan looked at the guard's small expression and felt funny. She didn't tease him, so she said, "don't worry, you won't be punished."

The guard was relieved.

Su Hongshan's letter is simple, only four or five hundred words. She doesn't say anything cold as snow. She only mentions a few things about the scenery they saw and the delicious food they ate along the way. Then she symbolically says something like leaving for a few days and missing her father. Then she comforts him not to be angry, saying that Dr. Leng's letter is too angry He also said that Dr. Leng was not angry with him, but just angry with yunyun...

the whole article didn't mention Leng Ruxue, which was enough to transfer Leng Mingyan's anger to Leng Ruxue.

She has never been a good friend. Even if she didn't send people to assassinate them, and she photographed general Leng to seize Han Yelin's power, as well as the small tricks she secretly did.

Even if there were no such things, he would stand on Rui Wang's side and be her enemy with Ye Yucheng.

When the letter was sent out, Su Hongshan and others took a little rest for two days, and then they continued on their way.

In the past few days of recuperation, they have ushered in four or five assassins, all kinds of means to fight together.

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