"I missed my grandfather a little, but my uncle and two masters said that my parents were not careful and cheated, so I didn't go. Parents, I'm very clever. I directly prepared a pair of medicine and had a fever every day after taking it. The palace sent a royal doctor to see me, waiting for me to enter the palace when I got well. Parents, Xiaoya wrote to her parents just to ask if she could enter the palace. I heard that there are many people in the palace A snow princess, the cold general is her person, Xiaoya always think she is a bad person... I still don't go into the palace, continue to have a fever, mom, Dad, when will you come back, Xiaoya miss Mom and Dad, brother and uncle, very much want to...

after writing two pages, suhongshan still frowned when she saw the front, thinking about what the snow princess in the palace was going to do In other words, what ye Yucheng and Leng Ruxue are going to do, but when they see the back, they directly tear their eyes.

Counting the days, I haven't seen the lovely little girl for a long time. I really want to. It seems that my ears are echoed with the soft and cute appearance of the little girl calling her mother.

"Mother, what does Xiaoya say in her letter?"

Seeing that it was Han Xiaoya's letter, Han Yelin knew that Su Hongshan missed her, so he gave the letter to her first. The two men, big and small, were still waiting.

Hearing Han Xiaoshan's words, Su Hongshan handed the letter to him directly, then turned to Han Yelin and said, "it seems that we have to speed up."

"What's the matter?" Han Yelin frowned.

Su Hongshan said: "after Xiaoya returned to Beijing, the palace always called her into the palace. Xiaoya didn't want to pretend to be ill. The palace also asked the imperial doctor to see her every day, saying that she would enter the palace as soon as she got well."

"In such a hurry?" Han Yelin frowned more tightly.

It's obviously wrong to be in such a hurry!

Su Hongshan nodded: "I'm afraid that after a long delay, the palace has noticed that Xiaoya is pretending to be ill and using tough means... Besides, I'm afraid it's as cold as snow and their idea."

"That's ridiculous!" Han Xiaoshan's voice suddenly rang out.

Su Hongshan turned her head and saw him clench his fist angrily: "Mom, Dad, let's go back to Beijing soon."

Su Hongshan nodded and rubbed her hand on his head: "well, we are fast too. We still have more than ten days to go. If we can do it quickly, we can get there in ten days at most."

Han Xiaoya's worries were not reduced at all. Ten days later, he felt that it was too long. He knew that if things were not serious to a certain extent, she would not write in the letter to let her parents worry.

When she wrote this, she also realized that it was wrong. Even, she may realize that she can't wait too long.

However, it will take ten days for them to speed up their work.

Han Yelin also took the letter and looked at it. Then Dr. Leng took the letter and looked at it. After reading it, he found that he didn't mention it in the whole two pages of the letter at the first time. He couldn't help feeling a little bad. However, after seeing Su Hongshan and others looking very serious, he didn't say anything. Instead, he suggested:

"don't you still have smelly boy's letter? They're together. Let's see what the stinky boy says. "

Su Hongshan quickly opened Leng Wumian's letter again.

Leng Wumian probably knew that suhongshan would worry about calling Han Xiaoya into the palace. At the beginning of the letter, he said that suhongshan should not worry, and that he had a way to delay. Now Han Xiaoya takes medicine every day and has a fever. If the palace really ignores Han Xiaoya's body and asks her to enter the palace, he will give Han Xiaoya a kind of medicine that can make people think that Han Xiaoya has a fever If you get the medicine for an infectious disease, you don't believe that the palace knows that she has an infectious disease and will insist on letting her enter the palace.

"The palace summoned this matter, sister don't worry, I will deal with it, sister don't worry, brother I will protect my niece, wait for my sister to come back to my niece must all the end of the hand to my sister."

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