"Sobbing, sobbing, coughing, coughing..."

the children's crying and coughing, together with Liu's crying, made Su Hongshan's heart tighten before she got close to her.

Ruan Ruhao and Liu have always been kind-hearted. At the beginning, Ruan Ruhao pretended to be a dandy for so many years under Mrs. Ruan's eyelids in order not to fight with Ruan ruling. Liu followed him with no regrets.

Both of them want to live a peaceful life and don't want to participate in those hours.

But things are changeable. After two years of peace, it happened.

Putting herself in the position of Liu, Su Hongshan felt that if she was in Liu's position and was Liu's disposition to lead a peaceful life, she would not be able to bear it. Besides, she had two children to suffer with her.

Ruan Ruhao is also holding a child in his arms and comforting Liu from time to time, saying: "I'll think about it tomorrow. I'm afraid there's no way for the elder brother and the second brother. Their situation is much more serious than ours. I went to see them in the morning. The elder brother is skinny and has to be supported even when walking, but I'm still thinking about it."

"What can we do? At this juncture, if only Su Hongshan were here. She is a miracle doctor and a master of the miracle doctor... God bless us, let's all get through this."

Ruan Ruhao was silent and didn't answer. He couldn't talk to Liu about some things, which made him worried.

That day, when he went to find the elder brother and the second brother, he overheard them. The elder brother and the second brother suspected that it was not a epidemic at all, but someone had poisoned them.

Originally, he didn't think much about it, but when he looked at the two children and his wife, he could remember the words he overheard.

If someone is really targeting them...

in the past, he always thought that peace is a blessing, and family and Meimei's family and their wives and children's family are blessed. But now looking at the pain of their wives and children, Ruan Ruhao feels that he is incompetent. He can't share the worries of his eldest brother and second brother, and he has no ability to relieve the pain of his wives and children, even confused whether it is an epidemic or being poisoned unclear.

But if he has some ability, he can't do anything...

he thinks so, and the baby in his arms coughs again, and he goes to coax him.

Looking at the child coughing and crying, his new father's heart was very painful. He looked up and was about to tell Liu that if it happened, he would go out to seek an official position. No matter what, if he wanted to protect his wife and children in the future, two people suddenly came in at the door.

"Third uncle, I'll do it." As soon as suhongshan came in, she took the child from Ruan Ruhao.

Ruan Ruhao subconsciously protects the child tightly in his own hand, but he is a childe who has no power to bind a chicken. As he is about to speak, Su Hongshan says, "third uncle, I'm Su Hongshan."

Ruan Ruhao took back her hand and said excitedly, "are you really Su Hongshan? Are you back? "

Su Hongshan said: "well, close the door first."

Sneer behind suhongshan, has closed the door, and then from the hands of Liu took another child diagnosis and treatment.

Liu Shi and Ruan Ruhao were shocked and Su Hongshan suddenly came back. They also appeared in their yard in the middle of the night. Now they are all focused on their two children.

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