"Well, we'd better keep our mouth shut. We can't talk about the affairs of those high-ranking people. We have to lose our head if we say it."

"Eat vegetables, eat vegetables, don't say that. Anyway, we should be careful in our own words and deeds."


another table said carefully and ate food silently, but everyone's face was full of resentment and helplessness.

Leng Ruxue listened to these people's words, and then looked at Lengfeng's frowning. She hummed coldly in her heart, but hesitated and said:

"Uncle Leng, don't listen to their nonsense."

"Is that true nonsense?" Unconscious cold peak said frown.

Cold as snow, silent for a while, but did not answer.

At the same time, the waiter served the dishes, and even said: "Uncle Leng, let's have dinner. Don't listen to them talking nonsense there."

Leng Feng looks at Leng Ruxue's appearance of avoiding but not answering. He has more doubts about those people's words. He plans to have a good check when he goes back.

If she is such a person who can turn a blind eye to her uncle, how can she be expected to show her true love to her father?

Lengfeng is eating in silence. The food in front of him is full of color and fragrance, which makes him unable to arouse any interest. His mind is full of what kind of person suhongshan is.

Whether her performance in wuxiangcheng is true or not.

Could it be that she did it on purpose to gain trust.

On the contrary, it was as cold as snow, happy to eat, and occasionally asked him to eat vegetables, but also personally added several dishes to him, a gentle, simple and kind-hearted look.

During the meal, you can still hear people talking about suhongshan's evil deeds from time to time.

Lengfeng is no longer angry this time.

After dinner, Lengfeng left Wangde building with Leng Ruxue.

Cold as snow while walking, while happy to say just delicious, passing a beggar, also casually put the hands of the remaining copper out.

Not to mention that, he directly told the people around him to say:

"go and buy some steamed buns for these people."

Then he continued to talk with Lengfeng about the delicious food she had just eaten, and where she was going to play next. All the way, he chattered, as if those things just happened to her were very common. When she saw them, she naturally stretched out her hand.

Leng Feng looks at it and sighs that miss Ruxue is so kind.

"Uncle Leng, I'm going back in two days. Can I go shopping? The clothes in Dongshu are very beautiful. Some of them are not in Wuxiang city. I want to take some back." Cold as snow said.

Lengfeng naturally won't refuse.

Just when we got to the cloth shop, we heard the two people sitting on the side of the road drinking tea talking again.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: ddxstxt8.com. Reading website of zenith novel mobile version: m.ddxstxt8.com


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