"Chief, this matter must be reported to the Lord of the city." Someone looks at Lengfeng seriously and suggests.

If suhongshan is really cruel and cruel as those people say, all the things she shows in Wuxiang city are likely to be pretended. The city master, the old city master and all the people of the Leng family have been cheated by her. They must pass back the real situation so that the city master can be prepared.

Otherwise, if such an unrighteous and unfilial person does anything to wuxiangcheng, it will be a heavy blow to both the Lord and wuxiangcheng.

"Chief, I agree with her. If she really pretends to do it, she must do it with a purpose. The Lord of the city must know in advance and be prepared."

"I agree, too."

Several people also said one after another, but two of them were silent for a long time. One of them said:

"it's not easy to make a conclusion too early. Why don't we get to know more about it? I always feel that the eldest lady is not like that. "

The other nodded.

No one spoke.

There were also contradictions in their hearts. One was the young lady who convinced them when they were in wuxiangcheng. The other was the stories about suhongshan's cruel deeds heard in the capital of Dongshu.

When they first heard it, they even felt that it was not the same person at all.

But when they heard so many kinds of words about her ruthlessness in one day, they began to doubt it, and began to have her in the city of the city when everything was dressed, is to show them the idea.

Lengfeng is angry and suspicious.

But as a guard, the master's good or bad is not what he can easily decide. What he can do is to understand the facts as much as possible, and then go back to report to the master.

With the news he found before and the things he saw from Leng Ruxue, he wants to be more careful this time. He must never pass back the news which is not very true to the Lord of the city because of his own impulse.

With this in mind, he once again said: "we will continue to investigate tomorrow and visit more families. In addition, we have arranged for those people to assassinate the eldest lady. We must not let them succeed."

"But..." someone said suddenly.

"What do you want to say?" Lengfeng asked.

The man hesitated for a moment and said:

"but today we heard those people say that the reputation of the first lady seems to be extremely polarized. Some people think that she is very good, some people say that she is very bad, and has done a lot of bad things... I thought that maybe we went to visit more people, maybe it is also one-sided words of others."

Lengfeng is silent.

That's true.

"And now what?" Someone was depressed and said, "don't we care about anything? If everything she does in wuxiangcheng is really acting, and she really has a different plan, we don't care whether we know it or not. "

"But even if we go to understand now, is it true that what we know?"

"I don't think we should take care of it. We are guards. Just finish what the Lord has told us. Why should we take care of so much? Whether a young lady is good or bad is up to the Lord. "

This word immediately someone retorted: "but she is very good in front of the Lord, the Lord does not know her bad side, how can you tell?"

These people are noisy, and finally all look at Lengfeng with the same eyes:

"chief, what should we do?"

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