With the same atmosphere as before, the emperor still dotes on Xue Guifei, even more meticulous and doting than in the past.

No one knows what kind of killing opportunity is hidden under such a favor.

Snow princess does not know, National Teacher Ye Yucheng also does not know.

They eat as they used to.

After dinner, snow princess voice gentle call: "Your Majesty." Smile on the tea.

If in the past, the emperor will take the tea directly and drink it without saying much.

But this time, although the emperor took the cup, he didn't drink it for the first time. Instead, he slowly shook the liquid in the cup, glanced at the incense subconsciously, and suddenly asked:

"does Aifei like incense very much?"

Why did you suddenly ask about incense?

Snow Princess heart a Ling, subconsciously looked to Ye Yucheng.

However, the emperor seemed to be unaware of it and said with a smile: "this smoked fragrance is very special."

Snow Princess heartbeat is more severe, subconsciously doubt whether he is exposed.

Ye Yucheng also explained nervously: "this is the incense that the young lady has loved since she was a child. It really tastes special."

The emperor nodded with a smile: "I'm surprised that this incense seems to have never seen the same. It turned out that it was brought by the imperial concubine from wuxiangcheng. No wonder I thought that the imperial concubine would like incense, so I wanted to find the best incense in the world and send it to the imperial concubine. If the imperial concubine only likes this one, it would be a little difficult."

After hearing what he said, Princess Xue was relieved and said, "emperor, you are so kind to me. I don't know how to repay you."

"It's the best reward for Aifei to stay with me in the palace."

The emperor said with a smile, but never touched the cup of tea.

The snow princess was worried and could not help saying:

"emperor, the tea should be cold."

The emperor thought that he still had a cup of tea in his hand and said with a smile, "it's really the love of the imperial concubine. If you don't drink it, it's a waste."

Then he drank all the tea in the cup.

At the same time, he Yu Guang clearly saw the relief of the snow princess.

After drinking, as usual, he handed the cup to Princess Xue and said, "I'm old. I feel sleepy after eating. Princess Ai helps me to have a rest."

At the same time, he covered his mouth with a big yawn, and vomited a mouthful of tea to the handkerchief he had hidden in his sleeve.

Looking at him as soon as before confused appearance, snow princess completely relaxed, supported him to go inside the house.

When I got to the bedside, I saw that the emperor was completely asleep.

She disliked a person pushed to the bed, frowned, the action is very rude, mouth also disliked mutter: "old never die."

Even though they believed Su Hongshan and Han Yelin's words, they were still so shocked that the emperor almost sat up and asked people to pull the woman out and separate her body.

But what happened next made him regret what he did today.

The feeling that I was wearing a green hat and I was lying in bed with my own eyes...

the old emperor used great self-control and kept telling himself that the consequences of waking up at this moment were unimaginable, so he just endured this great insult.

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