Ye Yucheng only listened to the clouds, and didn't understand the important information hidden in her words. He just thought that she was hit too crazy.

Not surprisingly, when he heard that Su Hongshan was the daughter of the city leader of Wuxiang City, he couldn't accept it. He just felt that God had made a big joke on him.

He patted Lu Qingxue on the shoulder and comforted him

"Well, I know you can't accept it, and I can't accept it, but that's the truth, but it's not helpless, it just takes some time."

Lu Qingxue suddenly returns to her senses and stares at Ye Yucheng

"Do you have a way?"

Ye Yucheng was startled by his evil eyes, but he soon calmed down and said:

"Didn't you think of a way for me? Leng Ruxue is the leader of Wuxiang city. Dongshu will be mine and Wuxiang city will be Leng Ruxue. If her two big backers are gone, she will die. "

Listening to his words, Lu Qingxue gradually calmed down, and her lips began to evoke a cold smile

"Yes, it's a little late, but she'll still die."

She sat on the bed, her eyes full of crazy killing.

In order to kill her, she can wait, only in this way, she must have a baby.

She looked directly at Ye Yucheng and laughed wildly: "it seems that brother Yucheng is willing to accept my proposal?"

"That's natural. Rui Wang and we are just cooperating. If we want to be reliable, we have to be our own children. That is to say, the time may be longer. But it's still worth it to be able to look back in the future."

Ye Yucheng said with a smile, pulling the landing light snow to lie down again

"Now, can we go on? Work hard for the future prince. "


The house is rippling again.

The two crazy people didn't notice that the old emperor on the side was on the edge of anger. His eyelids trembled several times, and he almost couldn't help but open his eyes. It's better that the two people were still in the madness and didn't notice.

The roof, the hidden place, was raised with tiles.

Han Yelin tried to cover Su Hongshan's eyes for several times, but she stubbornly pulled them away. From time to time, her resentful eyes fell on him and said in his ear in a voice only he could hear

"Isn't my husband asking me to keep an eye on the emperor? You don't let me see how I know if he's going to mess

Looking at the past from this angle, we can actually see the position of the big bed. We just want to observe the subtle facial expression of the old emperor and prevent him from playing himself to death in spite of the consequences. Han Yelin can't do it, and only Su Hongshan can.

But the key problem is that the two lunatics drive from time to time, and Han Yelin covers her eyes from time to time, which always makes her miss the critical moment.

Han Yelin's face turned black and became the bottom of the pot. He just wanted to leave here with Su Hongshan.

It's too hot. How can I let my simple and beautiful little lady see that.

Su Hongshan, however, did not seem to know. She pulled aside his big hand and continued to stare. Suddenly she frowned in Han Yelin's ear and said:

"Husband, I think the old emperor may be crazy if he goes on like this. Do you want to help him?"

Han Yelin immediately said: "then use medicine?"

He knew that suhongshan's medicine was very powerful. After using it, all the people in the room would go to sleep, and then there would be no need to look at the hot eyes.

But Su Hongshan shook her head and said, "no, if you use the medicine, ye Yucheng will definitely find out. Don't forget that he is also an expert in medicine."

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