"In fact, pushing him to that position was the way he wanted to go, but..."

Su Hongshan was dull for a moment, and now she knew what Han Xiaoshan meant when she wanted to go to the palace to accompany the emperor.

In ancient times, when emperors were seriously ill, many of them were able to take the initiative in the future. The purpose of Han Xiaoshan's entering the palace was to fight for the initiative.

Moreover, no one knows about the emperor's serious illness at this time. It's a good time for him to enter the palace and wait on him.

The emperor is not satisfied with Wang Rui and Wang Rongwang. If their plan is successful this time, they should come down too. Han Xiaoshan just takes over.


After all, they couldn't bear to go to a place like the palace where they raised their own children.

"But when it comes to this time, I still don't give up." Su Hongshan said.

"Ah." Han Yelin sighed.

He also knows that this step is to go after all. Sooner or later, Han Xiaoshan will go to others.

"Lady, let's have a baby ourselves." Han Yelin suddenly said.

"..." Su Hongshan was speechless: "talk seriously, don't make trouble."

"Lady, I didn't make trouble for my husband. What I said for my husband is business." Han Yelin said solemnly, looking at Su Hongshan: "let the smelly boy busy him, we directly shift the focus, so that we don't have to worry about him."

"Are you sure?" Susan rolled her eyes.

If a child can transfer his worry about Han Xiaoshan, her name is written upside down.

Han Yelin said helplessly: "this is not always to find a thing to shift the focus, or worry about the boy's accident, ah..."

"You are the life of an old father, and you should worry or have to worry about the next big thing." Su Hongshan said.

In fact, she is also worried about Han Xiaoshan's visit to the palace.

The most important thing is that they can't appear in public yet. If Han Xiaoshan is in the palace, he has to avoid others. If the emperor has no other thoughts, it's OK. If he suddenly has other thoughts, a little charge can kill Han Xiaoshan.

They really don't trust to put Han Xiaoshan's life on the emperor's kindness.

"What did you tell him about it?" Susan asked instead.

"I asked him to think it over, but that's probably it. The boy always has a good idea." Speaking of this, Han Yelin is even more helpless.

Maybe it's because he was raised under his own knee since childhood. The child's temperament is similar to that of him. Eight cows can't be pulled back when he decides.

Su Hongshan also knew Han Xiaoshan's temperament. After thinking about it, she said, "what do you think is the emperor's mind? Do you want to see Xiaoshan in that way? "

Han Yelin nodded: "that may be the meaning."

"So he wants to meet people and confirm his own ideas?" Su Hongshan said, just a light sneer: "or, he thinks we are here, he has no choice but the hill."

"Nine is ten." Han Yelin said: "now he is afraid that it is not safe for anyone to inherit the throne. As long as we want to, we can directly intervene and directly affect the final outcome."

Su Hongshan then said: "so he simply did not choose, decided Han Xiaoshan, also regarded as binding the two of us."

Han Yelin laughed: "to be exact, the people he wants to bind are you and wuxiangcheng."

Su Hongshan sneered and knew that what Han Yelin said was the truth.

It's not one day or two that the emperor covets wuxiangcheng's power. Now he knows that the one in the palace is fake. She's real. It's strange if she can't move.

Weigh the pros and cons, through Han Xiaoshan to attract her is the most appropriate.

"He's bold, too. Isn't he afraid?" Su Hongshan sniffed.

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