"What now, ma'am?"

Far away, Liao Nan asked anxiously.

What he heard just now was enough to make him sure that those people were ambushing them.

I'm afraid they're not the only ones. It's estimated that there will be ambush ahead.

There were only three of them. With their force value and suhongshan's poison, it would be no problem if they only destroyed this batch of ambush. But it was not a big victory for all the ambush. He could not help but worry.

But when his eyes fell on Su Hongshan, who looked calm on the side, all his worries turned into calm again, and he asked with a smile:

"Madame, have you got a way?"

Su Hongshan took an eyebrow at him and said faintly, "let's find out the places where they are lying in ambush and destroy them one by one."

I don't know if they are ambushing here. Now that I know, I can't say who is ambushing who.

That's a lot.

Before Liao Nan could say what he thought, he heard Su Hongshan say: "along this road, let's clean up a little bit."

Liao Nan swallowed all the words and gave his wife a thumbs up in his heart.

After meeting with Liao Bei, Su Hongshan arranges for Liao Bei to mobilize people. Liao Nanyin and Su Hongshan take a map of the road in the forest.

Liao Nan is impatient to look at the map and is in a bit of a hurry. He simply goes to the front to inquire.

About an hour later, when Liao Nan came back, he reported:

"It's true that there are three ambush points in the first ten li, including this one. Our army has more than thirty Li to get here. At least seven or eight ambush points can be found in this section of the road. Tut tut... These people are really cruel."

Liao Nan said. Seeing that Su Hongshan was just sitting at the top of the tree, he didn't worry much. He scratched his head and said with a smile

"But now that we know their ambush, it's not them who are going to do it, it's us."

Su Hongshan gave him a light glance and did not speak.

Before long, Liao Bei brought people here.

Because he knew in advance that there was an ambush at the fork in the road ahead, Liao Bei would not take the main road when he brought people over. He took people into the woods far away and went all the way to Su Hongshan.

"Madame, we are all here. When will we act?"

What Liao Bei brings is a team of 100 people. They are all specially trained and have excellent skills.

Su Hongshan glanced at these people and saw the figures of 18 and 29 in the crowd.

"All the people from shadow pavilion?" Su Hongshan raised her eyebrows.

Liao Bei nodded: "yes, some of them are new people, but although they are new people, they are all the best among them."

In the crowd, Su Hongshan really saw some people who looked obviously younger, about thirteen or fourteen years old, and should be newly cultivated.

Su Hongshan didn't care. The shadow pavilion has a special person to train. Whether it's a training or a task, the most important thing is to solve all the current ambushes.

"OK, let's go."

More than 100 people, not to mention personal ability, even the number of people is rolling.

Before the other party's reaction, he approaches quietly and solves all the problems one by one. Liao Nan is about to pull off the ambush, but Su Hongshan suddenly stops him.

Su Hongshan took out a token from the leader and put it into Liao Nan's hand. She said, "take this and put on their clothes. Go to the ambush in front of you and let them go back."

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