"Brother Yucheng, you are so kind to me."

Leng Ruxue leans on Ye Yucheng's shoulder and says with a coy face. She looks at him and swears seriously:

"Brother Yucheng, don't worry. I promise you that when I become the Lord of the city, you will be the first elder I sit down with. We will be in charge of Wuxiang city in the future."

"Well, I'll guard the snow. When you are the Lord of the city, I'll cut through the thorns for you." Ye Yucheng smiles with incomparable tenderness.

Just look at this scene, is really Lang Qing Qiyi, sincere feelings enviable.

But only they know what they think when they speak.

Two people tired of crooked for a long time, ye Yucheng just took out a box and handed it to Leng Ruxue, said: "you take this, you can use it when necessary."

"What is this?"

Leng Ruxue takes the box from ye Yucheng in doubt.

As soon as the box was opened, he looked at the two insects surging inside and turned white with fright. The box in his hand was almost thrown on the ground

"Ah! This... Brother Yucheng, what is this? "

Ye Yucheng quickly took the box, closed the lid, and said with a smile:

"Don't be afraid. It's the son and mother's poison. I asked King Rui for it."

"Son and mother?" A little calm some cold as snow doubt way.

She had heard of Gu, but she didn't really get in touch with it, and she didn't know what Zi Mu Gu was.

Ye Yucheng gently smiles and sits down with cold snow on his face.

Open the box again, point to one of the bigger insects and say:

"Zi Mu Gu, as the name suggests, is divided into Zi Gu and Mu Gu. The bigger one is mu Gu, and its function is to control Zi Gu, while the smaller one is Zi Gu..."

Ye Yucheng smiles, looks up at Leng Ruxue and says seriously:

"As long as you plant Zi Gu into a person's body, that person's life will be in your hands. If the mother Gu dies, Zi Gu will die, Zi Gu will die, and so will the middle Gu."

Leng Ruxue is stunned. She knows Gu, but she doesn't know that she can do it.

"It's just... Killing people."

Cold as snow murmured, then asked nervously:

"Will... Be discovered?"

"Sudden sudden sudden death will naturally arouse suspicion, but we can do it in another way, such as tormenting the mother bug a little bit. In this way, the person who has been attacked by the child bug can appear to be seriously ill, but as long as the bug doesn't understand, the disease won't get better. If necessary, kill the mother bug again..."

Cold as snow to listen to the stare big eyes, fundus a little bit from the beginning of fear into excitement.

With this pair of poisonous insects, her task of returning to wuxiangcheng this time will become easier.

Tormenting the mother bug makes the person suffering from the child bug painful. Even the doctor, as long as he doesn't know the bug, will only regard it as a difficult and miscellaneous disease. But in fact, if he can't solve the bug, the difficult and miscellaneous disease will never get better.

It takes a long time to get complicated diseases and then die... Without knowing it.

Everyone will think he died of illness.

Cold as snow, more and more excited, eyes more and more bright, even the two soft at the beginning let her heart diaphragm should be small insects also become lovely.

Listen to Ye Yucheng again: "but before you use it, you have to make sure that there is no one who knows Gu in Wuxiang City, otherwise it is easy to expose."

When he knew that King Rui had poisoned the emperor through Lu Qingxue, he carefully inquired about the emperor's situation. It is the safest way to make him appear to be seriously ill and die slowly by using his mother's poison.

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