Rong Wang's gloomy eyes fell on Mrs. Liu. He no longer had the patience to say one more word to these people


Unable to delay any longer, Mrs. Liu stood up and said coldly:

"Your Highness, what does that mean?"

At the same time, his momentum suddenly changed, and he had a soft sword in his hand.

How could Mrs. Liu, with more than a dozen bodyguards, be the opponent of these people.

Mrs. Liu is a member of the intelligence Pavilion. Because she has been in contact with suhongshan, she still has some self-defense poison that suhongshan gave her, so she runs away with her seriously injured body.

Every one of the remaining guards can escape.

"Search, dig three feet also have to find people out!"

Rong Wang said with a black face, and directly ordered:

"Find it out and kill it!"

Before, he was not sure if Han Yelin and Su Hongshan were here. Now he is sure that the blood found in the backyard is the best evidence.

Han Yelin and Su Hongshan were both injured. The bloodstains must belong to them, and the woman was used to delay time. Now they must have escaped after receiving the news, and now they are left to follow the clues.

At the same time, there is another group of people behind them.

However, compared with the previous Rong Wang personally led the team, although there were a lot of people, the leader of the team was only a leader under the hand of Rui Wang.

The order they received was to "save people.".

And this "saving people" also has its own characteristics. Only when the other side is unable to resist, can they save people, which has achieved the best effect.

However, there is news ahead:

"Chief, the people in Chuang Tzu seem to have got the news ahead of time and fled. The king of Rong didn't succeed."

"How could that be?"

The leader's face was ugly and asked, "don't you stare at me all the time?"

"I've been staring at him all the time, but in order to wait for Rong Wang's people to come, our people just stare at him from a distance, and no one left Chuang Tzu."

"No one left Chuang Tzu. What about that man?"!!! Missing for no reason? "

The leader was livid and angry. They had already got the exact news. Su Hongshan's younger brother was in the village, but now there was no one. It was still "saving people.".

People who come to report dare not speak.

"Don't you look for it, rubbish!"

The leader angrily kicked in the past: "find a way to pass the news to King Rong, let them catch people."

If we want to "save people", naturally we have to be caught. How can we "save people" if we don't catch them?

Both groups are busy looking for people.

On the back hill behind Zhuangzi, Su Shitou and Shen Yu were protected in the middle, and others looked very serious.

"Rong Wang led the team in person. He has searched here. We have to leave."

The escort who went to find out the news came to report.

Su Shitou had woken up, but he was still very weak. It was not suitable for him to go on the road at this time. Because of this, they didn't leave at the first time after they left Chuang Tzu.

Originally, I was not sure who the visitor was. I wanted to hide. If there was no danger, I would go back.

Now that it's settled, we have to leave.

"How do you feel, Mr. Su?" The guard looks at Su Shitou.

Shen Yu is also worried to see that the bandage on Su Shitou's body has oozed blood. It's obvious that the wound is cracked. At this time, she should keep it well, not run for her life.

But the situation does not allow.

Su stone face some white shake head: "nothing, as soon as possible to leave here."

The crowd continued on their way.

Someone carries Su Shitou on his back, Shen Yu follows him and Wang Shusheng follows him, worried.

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