I still don't know the identity of these people, and the strength of both sides is too great. Even if I know that the other side has bad intentions, it's not the time to tear the skin.

If you can't, just leave with them and ensure their safety for the time being?

Shen Yu thought to herself, but she didn't dare to show anything on her face. She could only keep calm and wait for the other party's answer.

Anyway, it's better to find out who the other party is first.

"We... We just help each other when we see injustice. Well, don't say so much. There are still pursuers behind us. If we delay, the pursuers will come up again. No one can run away." Said the other leader.

It's called helping each other in the face of injustice?

Even if there are pursuers in the back!

Shen Yushen took a breath: "but we really don't want to implicate you. You also said that there are pursuers behind."

Seeing that the more he said, the more he didn't believe him, the leader simply gritted his teeth and said fiercely:

"Waste what words, hurry to go, save you, there are so many things, don't whet, hurry to go."

The man in black who had just saved them came forward with a knife and surrounded Shen Yu and his three men.

When the leader saw that his posture was too different from what he had expected, he could only continue to say:

"Come on, so many people are protecting you."

Is this protection?

This is to escort them for fear of their escape.

But now there is really no other way, the power gap is too big.

Wang Shusheng is about to faint. He helps Shen Yu to hold Su Shitou and whispers in a low voice

"Miss Shen, we've fallen into a wolf's nest again."

Shen Yu gave a bitter smile.

It's a wolf's nest.

And I don't even know which wolf's nest it is.

Before I knew that it was Rong Wang's people who were chasing them, now I don't even know who they are.

"Benefactor, you haven't said who you are? How do you show up here? " Shen Yu summoned up the courage to ask again.

No one answered her question.

Shen Yu gritted her teeth and simply stood still

"Are you here to save us or to hijack us?"

She could see that these people were doing hijacking under the banner of saving them.

However, they must insist that they are here to save them. They must have a plan.

If they have a plan, they won't be afraid. At least it proves that they don't want to tear their skin at the moment.

"Of course, it's to save you. I'll ask you, little girl, if you don't think so badly about the benefactor of saving your life. We are the benefactor of saving your life. How can we be like enemies?"

The leader says helplessly, secretly stares at his subordinates and signals them not to be vicious one by one.

They are now playing the role of "saving people", not the devil who kills people without blinking an eye.

It's a test to let these murderers act as good people, OK?

It's not easy to keep it as it is now.

"Where are the elder brothers from? What are their names? I don't mean anything else. I just want to know their names so that I can repay them in the future. After all, they are such a great help." Shen Yu said these words again.

Other people's eyes fall on the leader. They are really not good at dealing with this kind of problem.

The leader is not good at it, but he can only stick to it.

He thought and said: "my family name is tie. You call me brother tie. As for why we will save you, you can think that we are entrusted by others."

It's better to let out some information. Otherwise, according to the current situation, it will be said later that King Rui asked people to save them, for fear that they won't believe it.

Seizing the opportunity, Shen Yu then asked, "who else has entrusted me?"

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