He felt guilty before he started.

What's more, even if Shen Yu didn't say it, he could understand that she meant to let him intoxicate these people as much as possible so that they could escape at night.

But it's impossible.

The amount of alcohol he drank was not that he drunk the guards, but that they poured him down. Let alone escape, they couldn't move.

"I'll do something for you then." Shen Yu said.

Wang Shusheng doesn't know what she can do, but if she wants to escape, she can only try.

Each of these people has martial arts skills. If they don't think of some ways, the three of them are very unlikely to escape in the dead of night.

Soon, the guards bought food.

Not only Su Shitou and Shen Yu, but also the guards may be hungry. At this moment, they all share their food boxes. Some of them open several jars of wine and chat loudly while eating and drinking.

"These are for you."

The leader of the guard handed Shen Yu a food box and a wine jar.

"Thank you." Shen Yu takes the aisle. Thank you.

The leader of the guard also went to eat. Shen Yu came into the house and took out the food box. Then he poured out more than half of the wine in the wine jar, mixed it with cold water and handed it to Wang Shusheng

"If you go, just say it's boring to drink alone, and accompany them."

"Is this... OK?"

After smelling the wine in the jar, Wang Shusheng was afraid that he could not deceive those people.

Shen Yu thought about it and said, "just wait for a while. When they've had a drink, they'll go."

She saw just now that they all buy wine. These people should also be alcoholics. She just mentioned that buying wine also wants to have a try. For a good drinker, mentioning wine can lead out wine bugs.

What we need to do now is to make them feel that they can't escape without threat, and they don't mean to escape.

Wang Shusheng, holding the wine jar, nodded nervously and went through the crack of the door to see the guards drinking outside.

Looking at the way that some of them soon turned red after drinking, in order to be realistic, he pinched his face a few times, squeezed out the red mark, and spilled some of the wine just poured out on himself.

Smelling the smell of his own wine, he took a deep breath, summoned up the courage to walk out with the wine jar.

"Brothers are all drinking. Come together..."

Learning to get drunk, Wang Shusheng wandered out and held up the wine jar: "come on, drink and drink. Thank you very much today. If it wasn't for you, we might have died. Thank you very much for your kindness

Several guards looked at each other and looked at his drunken appearance. They were more relieved.


A few of them let go when they were relieved.

There are still a few calm ones, but when the wine bug comes up, it's really not calm to stop it. Unconsciously, he drinks too much.

It was Wang Shusheng who was drinking the wine mixed with water. After a few cups, his stomach began to wobble.

Shen Yu stood in front of the window and watched. She was worried. Don't wait. Not only did the guards drink too much, but also Wang Shusheng drank too much.

Su Shitou is seriously injured. She doesn't know anything about it. If Wang Shusheng gets drunk again, how can the three of them escape today.

Fortunately, all her worries are superfluous.

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