Han Yelin: "don't talk? If you don't want to be with me, then you have it? " Su Hongshan said with a threatening face, and her hand was on Han Yelin's waist. Han Yelin: "why did things turn out like this? He just doesn't trust his wife“ Well, madam, let's go to have a rest quickly. During this time, madam has been working hard, so we should have a good rest. " Han Yelin said in a hurry that his pace was much faster. Suhongshan was satisfied with this, and the corners of her lips began to smile successfully. Han Xiaoshan accompanied the emperor as a eunuch "Ozawa" in the Palace during this time. In order to serve nearby, he had a room of his own in the side hall. As a eunuch, it's impossible to have a good room, but it's not bad to be favored“ I'll be there first. I'll come and let you know Han Xiaoshan took them to the door and left. Just look at his indifferent expression and tone of speech, I'm afraid that he doesn't care about Han Yelin at all. Su Hongshan and Han Yelin who know him know that his worry is by no means less than Su Hongshan, but they are used to hiding their emotions. Before leaving, he took a deep look at Han Yelin and said, "no one will come here." The implication is that they can rest assured. Su Hongshan nodded: "I see. You can go quickly." When they came into the room, Su Hongshan directly took Han Yelin and asked him to lie down on the soft collapse: "well, from now on, you can close your eyes and rest for me."“ Where's the lady? " Han Yelin looked at a small piece of soft collapse, eyes fell on the bed not far away, tone with a bit of deliberate injustice. Suhongshan didn't know what he was thinking. She directly and strongly pressed him to lie down on the soft floor and said, "listen, rest, I'll accompany you." Said to sit down directly on the edge of the soft collapse, that accompany is what meaning performance again obvious. Han Yelin lay down and muttered: "I still want to accompany you together, ah..." "what do you think? Close your eyes and go to sleep." Su Hongshan's funny way. This guy is usually a serious person. How can he learn more and more children's habits in front of her. Han Yelin obediently closed his eyes, but his mouth was not reconciled to the grievance of muttering: "want to hug."“ OK, give you a hug. " Su Hongshan said helplessly and bent over to give him a hug. As soon as I bent over, I was hugged by him. Being held and turned over, suhongshan's whole body had already reached the soft collapse, and became the posture of curling up in his arms. Han Yelin hugged her tightly, with a slight hook on his lips: "OK, sleep." As soon as Su Hongshan moved, she felt the sound of even breathing coming from her back. She thought that he had a shallow sleep. She was really afraid that he would wake up if she moved. She just let him hold her and listened to the sound of even breathing. Her heart was very quiet. In the past few days, Han Yelin is not here, and there are many things going on in the capital. It's hard to arrange everything. In fact, Su Hongshan has never had a good rest. At this moment, he was held in his arms by Han Yelin. At the same time, he began to fight before long. As long as we have each other by our side, we will feel at ease. So is Su Hongshan, and so is Han Yelin. They fell asleep directly, and the old emperor fell asleep. It is by no means easy for the female and the son to be taken out of the body, especially when the insect is led out, it will be agitated in the middle of the insect because of the aroma of purple frost. Please remember the first domain name of this book: ddxstxt8.com. Reading website for mobile version of zenith novel: wap.ddxstxt8.com

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