Han Xiaoshan blocks a sword for the emperor. The first time Dr. Leng finds it, he goes to treat his wound.

Suhongshan noticed, but the situation was urgent at the beginning, and she also saw that doctor Leng had gone to treat her wound, so she didn't come.

Now that the dust is settled, what she worries about most is the injured Han Xiaoshan.

Han Xiaoshan shook his head: "mother, don't worry, a little skin injury, it's OK."

It's really a little skin injury. At that time, he noticed Rong Wang's action and adjusted his angle when he rushed over.

What he wants is to save himself, not to hurt himself, to worry about his parents and sisters.

Dr. Leng was also afraid of suhongshan. He said on the side, "it's some skin injuries. I've just sewed up the wounds. With the special trauma medicine of wuxiangcheng, it will soon get better."

Su Hongshan put down her heart, but looking at Han Xiaoshan, her eyes were still full of heartache.

This child looks mature, but he is only a teenager. If he was born in modern times, he was carefree, but now he has experienced so much.

Sometimes Su Hongshan's heart aches when she just remembers the experiences of several children.

It is because of these, she was completely determined to help Han Xiaoshan to a high position.

The strong will not be attacked.

If you want to live better, you have to be stronger than your enemies.

Su Hongshan patted Han Xiaoshan on the shoulder and said with a gentle smile, "it's OK. Let's go home."

Han Xiaoshan nodded with a smile: "OK."

It's in the middle of the night.

The palace is still brightly lit. King Rong is dead, and King Rui is captured. All his subordinates and those powerful experts who don't know where are also killed.

The smell of blood filled the sky of the imperial palace for a long time.

That night, many people stayed up all night, many people were robbed of their homes and jailed, harming their families.

The next five or six days, the whole capital is still in chaos, home raiding and imprisonment continue.

With the death of King Rong and the imprisonment of King Rui, the whole capital has been reshuffled, and the people of King Rong and King Rui are bound to usher in a cold winter.

Those who should be killed and those who should be distributed, especially those who entered the palace yesterday to intercede for Wang Rui and were forced to stay in the palace, have a slim future.

That night, after King Rui was arrested, Su Hongshan, Han Xiaoshan and Wu Qionghua were allowed out of the palace.

Only Han Yelin and Dr. Leng were left in the palace.

Han Yelin has to deal with the follow-up affairs, while Dr. Leng wants to stay and help the emperor recuperate.

Because the emperor fell ill again, because King Rong and King Rui were forced to go to the palace, the emperor was so angry that he fainted on the spot. He lay there for three days.

These three days, those princesses and princesses who are quiet and have no sense of existence all come out. They all run to the emperor's side to show filial piety and find the sense of existence.

The death of King Rong and King Rui is an opportunity for these princes who have no sense of existence. As long as they seize this opportunity, they will soar to the sky.

They are still young, but the emperor is old. This game will decide the winner.

This made these princes very excited, especially those who had some influence in the mother family. They were all in the limelight for a while, and they tried their best to show themselves in front of the emperor and win over the courtiers.

Especially Han Yelin.

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