"It's serious. It can't be more serious. It's not serious to create human beings."

Han Yelin quickly followed up, took Su Hongshan's hand, and said solemnly: "both children want a younger brother and sister. Now the dust is settled. We really have to work hard."

Su Hongshan glared at him again and put her hand on the soft meat in his palm

"None of them are right."

They talk and laugh back to the house. Li Qiu knows that Su Hongshan is not there, so she doesn't sleep at all. She waits all the time. The first time she comes back with Han Yelin, she knows it and goes to the kitchen immediately.

But the cook was a step closer than her. Seeing that the cook had been driven out, she didn't join in the fun. She turned back to clean up the room and smoked the fragrance that Princess Xiang had sent to make people pregnant as soon as possible.

The fragrance was sent by Princess Xiang more than half a year ago before her wife left the capital. At that time, Princess Xiang, Princess Rongle and Ruan Fu's three wives and four ladies all had a good relationship with suhongshan and said that they would have a baby early.

But at that time, the court situation was unstable, Han Yelin was involved in it, and King Rui and King Rong secretly framed it. Su Hongshan did not dare to have children at that time.

Su Hongshan said this to Li Qiu in private. Li Qiu also knew her worries. When Princess Xiang sent incense, she put it away.

During this period of time, King Rong and King Rui both fell down. Li Qiu specially asked Su Hongshan what she meant. Although Su Hongshan didn't explicitly say that she wanted a child, she didn't think about it as much as before.

So when Li Qiu saw Han Yelin coming back, he decided to light the incense on his own.

As soon as she entered the room, she smelled that the incense in the room was not right. As soon as she recalled it, she thought that it was sent by Princess Xiang, but she just hesitated and didn't say anything.

Looking at Su Hongshan saying nothing, Li Qiu presses the joy in her heart, closes the door for them, quietly retreats, and orders people to prepare hot water.

At the moment of spring break, the room is full of ripples.

I thought that Han Yelin had been doing all kinds of things during this period. He was tired after going to Pingxi city. He didn't have a good rest, and then he went to the imperial palace. He was busy for five days and didn't come back.

Originally thought that he was exhausted, thought that at most once let him have a good rest.

How could it be that the spirit of this person is very strong, and there is no fatigue at all, which is more tossing than in the past. She said in her ear that she should strive to create people.

At first, suhongshan didn't feel anything wrong. She knew that she was too tired to open her eyes. This guy was still fierce.

Before sleeping, she was still thinking about what was wrong.

As a result, people are tired to sleep before they can figure it out.

When she woke up, Han Yelin was still asleep. Su Hongshan was about to get up quietly and let him have a good rest, when her arm was pulled.

"Lady, get some sleep."

Su Hongshan said: "it's late. Get up quickly. I'm so tired."

"What does the lady think? I know she's tired. I won't bother any more. I just want to hold her and lie down for a while."

Su Hongshan didn't glare at him angrily. "Don't make trouble. I'm really busy."

Said to get up to wash, but Han Yelin tightly hooped in his arms: "just a little while."

Su Hongshan had no choice but to give up the struggle and stay in his arms. Suddenly, she thought of something and asked, "does the team mentioned by King Rui really exist?"

Speaking of Rui Wang, Han Yelin was cold all over, recovered in an instant, hugged Su Hongshan and said:

"It's true that there is such a team, but the people who appeared next to King Rui that day should be the most skillful in the team. Others are not afraid."

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