Han Xiaoya nodded heavily and gently grasped Han Xiaoshan's clothes, just like the little girl who relied on her brother and always followed her brother.

Su Hongshan looked at it and quietly didn't turn her head. She took a handkerchief and gently touched the corner of her eyes. She turned back and said with a smile, "what's the matter? You guys have been living in the palace for a few days. It's like something big happened."

"Well, Xiaoshan wants noodles. I'll cook what you eat."

"I have noodles, too." Han Xiaoya immediately said, "just put some scallion and salt."

"Poof, your brother and sister are really smart. This is a good life. After a long time, have you ever thought about the hard life before?" Su Hongshan shakes her head in a funny way, makes a casual joke, and looks at Su Shitou.

Su stone also said: "I am the same."

Then he turned to Shen Yu and said, "my sister's noodles, even if it's just a little salt and scallion, are not delicious. You haven't eaten this kind of noodles. You must try it later."

The truth is.

After getting used to all kinds of delicious food, when you go back and eat noodles with only salt and light scallion flavor at the beginning, you will not feel delicious, but just miss it.

But even so, a few people are still satisfied with the food.

Su Hongshan did a lot because she knew Han Yelin would come back for lunch.

Several people are eating, Han Yelin came back.

He knew that Su Hongshan would be in the kitchen at the moment and would prepare the kitchen as soon as she came back. He was not surprised to see Han Xiaoshan. He was just surprised to see the big bowl of noodles with only a little scallion floating

"How do you eat noodles today?"

Since the family's life is better, the food has not been so simple, there will be at least two dishes.

Su Hongshan raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "what's the matter? "Dislike?"

How dare Han Yelin dislike it? He quickly took a big mouthful of noodles and said, "no, I miss the noodles made by my wife for a long time. It's just some accidents. How can my wife know what I think in my heart and how can I think of this mouthful?"

Su Hongshan didn't know his desire for survival. She shook her head and joked: "so, you guys are really smart. You all want to eat noodles."

Han Yelin knew that it was these boys who wanted to eat scallion noodles. He glared at them, but he didn't dare to have an opinion and ate a large bowl of noodles.

Han Yelin has a good appetite and a large appetite. Other people only eat a bowl of noodles without vegetables, but he has to eat a whole basin. In addition, he is annoyed by her craft. This kind of meager noodles is really not delicious compared with all kinds of delicious food.

Su Hongshan loves him so much that she turns around and copies two dishes for him. He is so moved that she says she is so nice.

I've lost sight of the kids on the side.

After dinner, Han Yelin did not go out again in the afternoon.

Han Xiaoshan told what happened in the palace. He talked about the five princesses and the fifteen princesses, and the emperor's intention to send him to deal with the flood in the south. Even he told all the things in the east palace.

He wanted to tell his parents everything that happened around him, and let them know that he would always be their son and that he needed them wherever he went.

He didn't want to change, and his parents didn't want to change him.

He is trying to maintain everything before.

Han Yelin knows about things in the palace, not only that, but also Han Xiaoshan's performance in the palace.

When he thought of refuting the emperor's words that "one day is my father and all my life is my father" in the palace, as well as his insistence on calling him and Su Hongshan's parents, he said in his heart that it was false that he did not dare to move.

Time always flies when a family is together.

As the sun sets, Han Xiaoshan leaves, Han Yelin claps his hand on his shoulder and says in a low voice, "you will always be my son. Later, outside and in the court, you are the king and I am the minister. At home, we will always be father and son."

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