"Did she really say that?"

Fight for power and profit, die early!

That's what she can say.

The world says that power is a good thing, but she says that it's too early to fight for power and gain.

That's the truth.

No one knows more about the number of people who died on the road of fighting for power and profit than he who sat in this position. Except for those who survived to the end, all the others became a handful of loess. Most of them died young, and most of them were innocent involved.

Just listen to this

The emperor did not know what kind of mood he was in.

Is it a relief?

Or have you been offended?

"Step back."

The Emperor didn't say to keep staring, so there's no need to stare.

Just kneeling under the black clothes flash away, the speed seems never to appear.

The emperor did not continue to deal with government affairs. He took the tea Wang shungang had just offered on the table and took a sip of it. After putting it down, he leaned back on the Dragon chair, his eyes empty and he didn't know where to look.

After a long time, he sighed

"You say - that girl is young, how can you see so thoroughly."

Wang Shun didn't answer.

The emperor did not expect him to answer.

After a long time, the emperor said, "do you think what she said was true, or did you mean it to me?"

This time, Wang Shun was not calm.

This... Can't

But before he spoke, the emperor said to himself:

"Yes, it should not. Han Yelin is good at martial arts, but the dark guard is good at hiding traces. He should not be able to find it, even if he can find the girl."

"Well, let's take him for granted."

The emperor sighed and got up to deal with the affairs.

Anyway, Hufu is already in hand, even if it's a fake?

Han Yelin is a tiger without a tiger talisman. He can't lift much storm.

Today, he is happy!

In the evening, Han Xiaoshan came back.

This time, as soon as he went back to the palace, he came directly to the imperial study and put down all kinds of snacks he had brought back from the general's house.

This time, a variety of not suitable for the elderly to eat some of the hard to chew meat less, more suitable for the elderly to eat a variety of low sugar cakes.

But the emperor was not happy when he looked at the poor meat.

He has just tasted. Why is it gone.

But as the king of a country, people can't know what they like, so looking at the small plate left is not enough for him to stuff his teeth, he can only bear it.

"It's still early. The prince will accompany me to deal with the affairs."

After talking with the emperor for a while, Han Xiaoshan was not allowed to leave, but was left to deal with government affairs.

That's all.

But when he was dealing with government affairs here, the emperor, on the pretext of being tired, sat tasting Wang ShunPao's tea and eating all kinds of snacks he had just brought back.

That kind of enjoyment makes Han Xiaoshan want to throw down the memorials in his hand and grab all the snacks back.

Finally, I couldn't help it.

He put down the memorial in his hand, looked at the emperor and frowned

"Grandfather, you've finished chewing a plate of preserved meat."


The emperor found out that he put the last piece of meat into his mouth.


Han Xiaoshan suddenly sighed, staring at the small snacks in front of the emperor, and said to Wang Shundao:

"Mr. Wang, please put those away. It's such an hour. Grandfather Huang can't eat so many snacks. It's bad for his health."

The emperor's face turned black and his eyes looked like a bell.

When is it the boy's turn to take care of himself?

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