Su Hongshan's bookkeeping methods for all her industries are different from most of the bookkeeping methods here. She adopted the modern and convenient form bookkeeping method, and then taught the four people how to record various account books and how to design different forms according to different workshops.

Lidong Lichun is the best in this field. He learns very fast and can draw inferences from one instance.

After they learned, Su Hongshan asked them to call together the managers of various shops, Zhuangzi workshops and the cashier to learn together. All of them used forms to keep accounts, and also monthly summary, annual summary and so on.

After that, the promoted steward and the recruited accountant must be trained first, and only after learning this accounting method can they be assigned to each workshop and shop.

Even Hongyu cosmetics, which adopts the franchise mode, can not be popularized for a while. Su Hongshan has a special management department in the city to re summarize the accounts submitted by these franchise stores.

So it's a headache for other owners. It's a lot easier to go to suhongshan.

First look at the annual summary, and then monthly summary, and then find the steward to ask for the specific account book in case of unreasonable places.

From the middle of the afternoon when he was busy to the end of the day, the account in this village was checked.

After sending off the steward, suhongshan just stretched out and got ready to go for a walk. Then she went to dinner and saw Han Xiaoya poking around at the door.

See Su Hongshan see come over, Han Xiaoya simply directly push the door to come in: "mother, you can be regarded as busy, I almost hungry flat."

"You didn't eat?" Su Hongshan frowned slightly.

Just after you time, the girl came to ask her to have dinner. She saw that there was not much left in her account book, so she asked them to eat first, thinking that they would eat after reading, and then come to see after eating.

Unexpectedly, the girl hasn't eaten yet.

Han Xiaoya came over and took Su Hongshan by the wrist, and said with a smile, "of course, I have to wait for my mother. I can't eat without her."

"Poof, your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter." Su Hongshan poked the little girl's forehead in a funny way and asked, "what about Uncle Wumian and uncle Xiaoxiao?"

"Here it is."

As soon as suhongshan's voice fell, she heard two voices coming at the same time.

Looking up, those two people are not standing in the courtyard.

Su Hongshan: "you didn't eat?"

Leng Wumian said with a smile: "well, just when the little girl asked us to have dinner, we didn't have much medicine left, so we thought about eating together after finishing it."

Sneer also said with a smile: "yes, I just came here to see how busy the eldest lady is. If I'm busy, I'll have dinner together."

Su Hongshan: "what a coincidence?"

Why is she so unbelievable.

Leng Wumian nodded with a sneer.

Before he could speak, he was betrayed by Han Xiaoya: "no, they all have to wait for their mother."

"You girl..." Leng Wumian helped her forehead.

Han Xiaoya serious face: "mother has said, your body should eat three meals at a fixed time, you don't listen to me complain, mother you should talk about sleepless uncle."

Su Hongshan: "my fault..."

"Sister, I'm wrong."

Su Hongshan and Leng Wumian spoke almost at the same time.

They look at each other and smile at the same time.

The difference is that Su Hongshan's smile is bright, cold sleepless smile is gentle, and with a smile, she lowers her head and explains in a low voice: "I haven't seen my sister for a long time. I've heard that my sister is going to leave..."

So I don't want to miss dinner with my sister.

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