Leng Wumian looks at the seriousness on suhongshan's face, lowers her head and grabs her finger. She opens her mouth several times and doesn't know what to say.

"You... Ah..."

Suhongshan patted the little boy on the shoulder in front of her with a relieved look: "I believe my sister is good or not. My sister will think of a way to cure you. It's not only you, but also the stone. You are my most important brother."

The cold sleepless eyes with their heads down were covered with mist.

He likes the feeling of being taken seriously, but

No matter grandfather or father, or the elders of wuxiangcheng, even sneer, in order to help him to recuperate his body and desperately learn medical skills, go to the library to find ways to make him better.

So many people's efforts have not found

Maybe that's all his life

He didn't want his sister to experience what his grandfather and father had experienced, from looking for ways to recuperate his body with hope to losing hope a little bit.

It was not a very good experience.

Memory, they experienced these period of time are very depressed, look at his eyes full of guilt, even because of guilt and for a long time did not dare to see him.

He didn't want his sister to do the same.

It's just that he is in poor health. He can eat, drink and sleep, and his sister is with him. He should be satisfied.

"Elder sister, I know you are good for me. I hope you can cure me and let me have the same healthy body as ordinary people. But my grandfather and father have tried it. It's really useless..."

"The method they found is useless. It doesn't mean that the method I found is useless. Listen to my sister, this time my sister didn't just recuperate your body, but found a formula that can cut marrow from the Yi Jing. Cutting marrow from the Yi Jing is equivalent to reshaping your body. By that time, all the toxins in your body will be cleaned up, Naturally, I'll be fine... "

Su Hongshan's idea is very wonderful. The book of changes cuts the marrow. She never saw this word in novels in her last life. She thought it only appeared in fantasy novels and it was invented by those writers.

At that time, when she saw this prescription, she thought it was a joke and didn't care.

But, who let her never forget, at that time was to see a joke, but it is also really engraved in her mind.

When Su Shitou had an accident, when she wanted to help them recuperate, she went to search for those memories and found this one.

It seems mysterious. She has not even heard of two kinds of medicine in it. But other methods have either been tried or are not feasible. On the contrary, it is this prescription. After repeated deliberation, she thinks it can be tried.

Especially the two cases recorded in this prescription.

Although it's too long for us to make textual research, there is no exception. One is weak since childhood. After using this prescription, he got better. He began to practice martial arts in his twenties and finally became the leader of the Wulin.

Another case is that a man experienced an accident in his thirties, which led to the exhaustion of his martial arts and the paralysis of his lower body. After using this prescription, his body recovered, and his martial arts gradually came back.

Of course, she didn't believe all the two cases because she couldn't make textual research. What she really believed was her intuition and the origin of the library in wuxiangcheng.

When she was in Wuxiang City, she was curious about the library. After several inquiries, she believed that the library might be the golden finger of Leng's ancestors.

If this is the case, then this prescription is very likely to be true, and the case is also true.

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