Han Xiaoya smiles and walks over her with Mo Bing.

Although Zhao Fang's behavior is a little suspicious, Han Xiaoya doesn't think deeply. After all, she is just an ordinary girl from the countryside. Han Xiaoya doesn't think she will have too bad thoughts.

Zhao Fang couldn't stop her. She followed Han Xiaoya like an ant on a hot pot.

I want to say something more to stop her from going to the village, but I can't find a suitable reason, so I have to follow in a hurry, and I want to find someone to inform my uncle or father, but now there is no one else on the road except them.

"Madam, although you are a doctor, those two insane people will really beat others. I'm really worried about you."

Ink ice light of looked at her one eye.

Han Xiaoya said with a smile: "it doesn't matter. My sister and I both know how to fight. We won't let them fight us."

"Are you afraid they will hit you?" Han Xiaoya looked at Zhao Fang with a smile and said, "you can rest assured that we will protect you."

Zhao Fang has nothing to say.

Zhuangzi was not far from the village, so they arrived at the entrance of the village in a quarter of an hour.


Han Xiaoya scan around, did not see Zhao Fang mouth may be in the village of the two mad patients.

"Zhao Fang, where is their home? Let's go there. "

"Oh... In... I'll take the eldest lady right away."

Zhao Fang felt uneasy. She had to go through the two insane patients' homes. She could only hope that Wang Shusheng would not come out at this moment.

But it didn't work out.

The more you worry about something, the easier it will happen.

As soon as she got home, Zhao Fang subconsciously quickened her pace and wanted to leave here quickly. But at this moment, the door of the courtyard which had been closed suddenly opened. A man in his twenties, with a red face, grabbed his belt with one hand, rushed out and almost ran into Han Xiaoya.

Or ink ice quick reaction, quickly pull a Han Xiaoya, this just hide in the past.

But Han Xiaoya is to hide in the past, suddenly rushed out of the people but a instability directly fell on the ground.

But he didn't care so much. He got up and ran.

"Wang Shusheng." Han Xiaoya recognized the person and asked, "Wang Shusheng, didn't you go to town?"

Before the words were finished, a huge figure rushed out of the yard, shouting in a coarse voice: "you can't run away!"

The huge figure rushed out, every step, the ground seemed to shake a few times, the roadside trees seemed to be shaken.

Han Xiaoya and Mo Bing are shocked by the people who burst out in front of them. They haven't spoken for a long time.

There is only one thought left in my heart: how can there be such a person.

Or: what is this?

When they reacted, the huge figure had already reached out and grabbed Wang Shusheng's collar and picked him up.

Wang Shusheng is not very thin in the hands of each other, just like a chicken.

Such a picture is indescribably funny.

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