Zhuangzi and the workshop have received a notice about Zhao Guanshi, Zhao an and all the people who work in Zhuangzi and the workshop. They have been dismissed, and the people in Zhaojia village don't have to be threatened by them. Where can they listen to them.

I didn't ask them for the money that they had withheld before. It's very reasonable.

Zhao an lingered outside Chuang Tzu and the workshop for two or three days, but no one paid any attention to him. He angrily scolded that all the people who entered Chuang Tzu and the workshop through him were white eyed wolves and were driven away by the guards of Chuang Tzu.

For this reason, Li Qiu, who is temporarily in charge of Chuang Tzu and the workshop, held a meeting specially for the workers in Chuang Tzu and the workshop, telling them that even without Zhao an, as long as Chuang Tzu and the workshop need people, they can come to apply at any time, and they don't have to get a kickback.

After the meeting, Li Qiu directly asked people to write a notice posted on the outside, warning all the people who have already been in the job and come to look for a job. They don't need to be introduced by others. They can come to apply for a job as long as they recruit.

This may not be eliminated, but it will certainly play a role.

Let's not talk about how to rectify Chuang Tzu, let's talk about Han Xiaoya.

She took Zhao Fen to the village, and some of them lent her ruby jewelry. Now she almost treats Han Xiaoya as a sister.

Although Zhao Fen was not mentally complete and a little silly, he didn't really know the world. At least he knew the people in the village, so he took Han Xiaoya and Mo Bing to the house of the two insane people.

These two men are brothers. They say that they are insane. That's just the words of Zhao Guanshi and Zhao Fang. In fact, they are mentally retarded. They are silly, but they are not insane.

It's similar to Zhao Fen, but it's not the same.

What I imagine is that these three people are all the same. They are stupid and mentally incomplete. What's different is that the two people are not fat, but thin and numb.

It's not so thin. It's the kind of thin bones can be seen clearly. That kind of thin is not much different from the Wu Gu master who was attacked by Gu insects before.

But the disposition is also somewhat different, these two people are not irritable, on the contrary some docile.

One is dumb and the other is deaf. When he sees someone, he hides in the house.

Han Xiaoya spent a lot of effort to get the two people to agree with her to feel their pulse. This feeling, as she thought, was also poisoned. And it was very strange that the two people's situation outside was not the same as Zhao Fen's, but their pulse condition was very similar.

It's like you've been poisoned.

Han Xiaoya couldn't understand it, and her heart was in a mess.

How can the same poison show different situations in the world?

She doubted the result of her diagnosis, but the results of several pulse examinations were all the same.

"Make sure, miss."

At this time, as soon as he entered the village, Mo Bing, who was sent out by Han Xiaoya to inquire about the two people, also came back.

"The two men and Zhao Fen had an accident at the same time. It was almost ten years ago in the summer when it was dry. A large group of children went up to the mountain to pick wild vegetables. As a result, they had an accident. They said that they ate a kind of wild grass at the same time and then froth and fainted. At that time, they thought they could not be saved. They were all going to be buried. As a result, they all woke up and became like this..."

Mo Bing roughly said what she heard.

Han Xiaoya asked, "are you sure the three people are eating the same kind of food?"

Mo Bing said: "sure, there were a few older children with them at that time. They were all in their teens at that time, and they remember this matter more clearly."

Han Xiaoya frowned.

Mo Bing's words almost confirmed the possibility that these three people were infected with the same kind of poison, but... Why did the same kind of poison show different results?

Han Xiaoya couldn't figure out how to solve the problem, so she went back first.

"Here you are."

Before leaving, Zhao Fen shouts Han Xiaoya and gives up her ruby jewelry.

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