"Yes, miss, have you really only studied medicine for a few years? You haven't studied medicine for a few years. How can you be so powerful? You know, you are really a genius. When I studied medicine for two or three years, I just knew all kinds of herbs. I can only treat simple head fever and brain fever. No one dares to see me... "

Suhongshan: "

Although she's not polite, even if it's real communication, it's not now. Aren't they here for the woman in black gauze?

"Miss Cheng, can we talk about the woman in black veil first?" Suhongshan could only speak.

Cheng Duoduo seems to realize that he has deviated from the topic and smiles with embarrassment:

"Well... Miss, I'm really sorry. I'm so excited. I'm so happy to see you. I can't help it when I'm excited. Miss, I really admire you. I..."

Seeing that the topic was going to deviate again, suhongshan didn't know what her mood was, so she had to remind her again:

"That, Miss Cheng, that woman in black veil..."

"Oh, look at my brain... I'm so sorry."

Cheng Duoduo smiled awkwardly and said:

"The woman is wrapped tightly, her veil covers her face, and her body is in black gauze clothes. Young lady, you say she is also strange. How cold it is. Most of them are in cotton clothes, but she is in gauze clothes. Although there seems to be a layer of black inside, it still looks cool... I think it's strange to listen to her accent. She doesn't look like a person in wuxiangcheng."

"Yes, I was curious to see it because I heard her accent. It's really strange. I've never heard such an accent."

"What kind of accent can you learn?" Asked suhongshan.

Cheng Duoduo nodded, cleared his throat and said, "you hit me, you do, that's what you said, you take the silver..."

As if he knew what he said was not clear, Cheng Duoduo scratched his head and said:

"They spoke in a low voice. I didn't hear them very clearly, so I vaguely heard a few words, but the sentence 'you hit mine.' I really heard it. When someone bumped into her, I was next to her. I followed her because I heard a strange accent... It's really strange, isn't it, come on. "

Suhongshan and Han Yelin looked at each other.

Han Yelin nodded and said in suhongshan's ear, "it's the accent of Xishi."

The people of Xishi came to Wuxiang city and bribed others to discredit themselves?

She didn't know anyone in Xishi. If she was from North Hu, South Vietnam, it wouldn't surprise her too much.

But the people of Xishi

"Can there be other characteristics besides accent?" Suhongshan pressed down her doubts and asked.

Cheng Duoduo was about to shake her head when she suddenly thought of something. She pointed to her left face and said:

"Here... She seems to have a flower here."


"Uh huh."

Cheng Duoduo nodded hurriedly: "red, strange flowers, some like... Like“

Cheng Duoduo frowned and thought for a while. Suddenly her eyes brightened and said, "the legendary other shore flower! Yes, it's like the other shore flower. Here, there is a large area, from the eyebrow to half of the cheeks here. At that time, a gust of wind blew her veil up a little, and I just saw it. "

This feature is very obvious. Suhongshan and Han Yelin look at each other. Han Yelin goes out and immediately arranges someone to find such a person.

Suhongshan stayed and continued to talk to Cheng Duoduo.

However, Cheng Duoduo said that those were already the limit and could no longer provide useful information. Suhongshan also fulfilled her promise and waited for Han Yelin's Kung Fu to discuss medical things with her.

Cheng Duoduo listened carefully and looked at suhongshan with admiration in her eyes. She said, "Miss, you are really great. No wonder you are so young and powerful..."

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