But he didn't want to wait.

The sudden siege may be due to internal problems.

He can't guarantee that his subordinates are all his people.

And most importantly

Yin Shengxuan's eyes fell on Han Xiaoya, and his eyes flashed a smile.

Just the next moment, the smile froze on her face and turned over to protect Han Xiaoya behind her.

LAN Wenhua's frightened voice sounded: "how can there be tigers here."

Suddenly Han Xiaoya, who was protected by others, was stunned. Her cheeks were slightly red and her heart beat fast for a moment.

Turning his head, he saw two big tigers walking slowly. He was stunned for a moment. Then he saw Ye Lao coming in the air behind the tiger and sitting firmly on the back of a tiger.

She blushed and said, "well, young master Yin, can you get up first?"

After protecting Han Xiaoya, Yin Shengxuan looked warily at the two tigers.

At this moment, he found Ye Lao and knew that he had brought the two tigers.

As soon as I was relieved, I heard Han Xiaoya's words, and then found that I was holding the ground with one hand, and the whole person was lying on the little girl of others.

For a moment, his cheeks turned red.

He quickly got up and said, "yes... I can't afford... That... For a while..."

Young master Yin Wen stammered for a moment. He couldn't even say a complete sentence.

One moment, he was still a cold and precious relegated immortal. The next moment, he fell off the altar, stuttered and flushed.

Han Xiaoya, who looked at this contrast, was stunned for a moment.

I just think his red cheeks are kind of cute.

Subconsciously reached out and pinched him in the face.

Catkin swept across his cheek, slightly cold, fingertips fell on his red cheek, subtle pain hit, and his heart suddenly missed a beat.

For a moment, the tip of his ears and his neck were red.



When she realized what she had done, Han Xiaoya quickly blushed, withdrew her hand and muttered, "well... There's something dirty on your face."

Then he ran away and ran towards Ye Lao:

"Grandpa ye, are we going to ride tigers into the city? Will they bite?"

Han Xiaoya still knows Ye Lao's skills. It's not surprising that she can subdue tigers to serve as mounts for them.

Some people are afraid that tigers will hurt people.

She is not afraid, just afraid of those two people. After all, she is still hurt.

"It doesn't matter. The teeth have been pulled out. I'm afraid these animals can't turn over any waves. Come on, let's ride tigers and let them ride."

Han Xiaoya also found out.

The two tigers all have their mouths open and have no teeth. They look like kittens in front of Ye Lao's face.

Han Xiaoya directly turned over and rode on the tiger's back.

The first time she rode a tiger was very novel.

But suffered the original two horses.

When the tiger appeared, the legs of the two horses were like noodles. They couldn't stand firm and didn't even dare to run away.

Yin Shengxuan and LAN Wenhua were too frightened to speak.

Especially LAN Wenhua.

Yin Shengxuan somehow had an ambiguous impact with Han Xiaoya just now, and his mind did not focus too much on the tiger.

But LAN Wenhua is different. Since the appearance of the two tigers, the old and the young have been riding on the tiger's back. His mouth hasn't closed since he opened it.

That's a tiger.

This cold old man has nothing to do with frightening those people in black. Now even the tiger can subdue.

And they all had their teeth pulled out to be mounts.

"Brother Yin... Let's... This..."

As soon as he looked back, he saw that Yin Shengxuan had been riding on his horse and was looking at him: "don't you get on the horse yet?"

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