"Brother Chen, why haven't you come yet?"

Waiting too long, someone is impatient.

They were invited here today because of Chen Yuan's "Dongshu beauty", but the beauty didn't see it. Instead, she saw a group of half a hundred old women with hot eyes.

At this moment, I waited for a long time, and I didn't wait for the shadow of half a beauty.

"Why is it dawn outside“

Someone suddenly saw the bright sky outside. He was drunk and began to wonder:

"It's dawn so soon? We've been drinking all night... No... fire..."


At this sound, everyone saw the bright sky outside and his face changed greatly.

Ignoring the others, he got up and ran out.

Chen Yuan scolded angrily: "come on, what's going on outside!"

But no one paid attention to him!

When these boys ran outside, they were all stupid.

With them as the center, it's all burning outside.

As they ran out, the house where they had just stayed burned down.

There was a big fire in front, back, left and right. There was no escape.

"How could this happen? How could this happen... Help... Help..."

Everyone was shouting for help.

But before they finished shouting, the fire had burned to their feet.

The fire burned all night and no one was successfully rescued.

Suhongshan and others also left the courtyard early at the place of action.

At this moment, they have changed their faces and are in another yard at least ten miles away.

No one knows all this has to do with them.


When Li Xia saw suhongshan, she was so excited that she cried bitterly.

"Wu Wu... Madam, I thought I'd never see you again... Wu Wu..."

Suhongshan hugged her and patted her on the back, "it's all right, it's all right."

Lixia cried for a while and then stopped.

She helped suhongshan deal with all kinds of business and grew rapidly. Today, she is a good strong woman in modern times.

Crying didn't exist at all in the past.

But today is different. The joy of the rest of her life and the excitement after seeing her wife, the most important thing is the gratitude from the bottom of her heart, which makes her nose sour and eyes hot, and her tears are out of control.

The lady came to save her herself, which made her not moved.

After moving, Lixia put her mind on other things.

Chen Yuan died, and some other noble CHILDES died with him.

Although Chen Yuan is a dandy, his identity is there. How can he be an ordinary person with him.

Those are the nobles of Xishi capital.

Now all the fire died in Chen Yuan's other yard.

As soon as this happens, the capital of Xishi will be in chaos.

Sure enough, except for the incident last night, the whole Xishi capital was under martial law, and the whole city was searching for arsonists.

Portraits of Lixia and more than a dozen other girls were soon pasted around the city gate.

In the whole distance, everyone else died. Only a dozen girls who were caught disappeared. It was obvious who the murderer was.

But even if they searched the whole west stone capital, they could not find anyone.

Not only did Li Xia change her face, but even the dozen girls changed their faces.

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