Seeing that everyone was quiet, Han Yelin began to speak seriously:

"Find out the information and origin of experts in Xishi families. I want to know how Xishi families cultivate experts."

Finally, he added: "speed is very important."


Han Yelin arranged things and explained some other things, so they dispersed.

The hall soon left dozens of people, leaving only a few sporadic people.

Before Han Yelin spoke, the remaining people knelt down together:

"Master, my subordinates deserve to die. Please punish me."

They are all absolute confidants trusted by Han Yelin. They are all important persons in charge of Xishi.

After the big families of Xishi sent killers to hunt down Han Xiaoya, they found something wrong.

In the news they have mastered over the years, no matter the Xishi royal family or the major families of Xishi, there is nothing different.

Even if there are experts in each family, there are only one or two in each family, just like Dongshu and other countries.

But now there are so many experts in every family.

Moreover, this is only on the surface sent by each family. What about those not sent?

Is there something hidden in the dark?

What about the royal family?

They dare not go down to analyze.

Such a big mistake

Fortunately, madam and miss are all right, otherwise they will be responsible for their death.

Han Yelin looked at them coldly, so that they couldn't stop sweating.

Han Yelin said coldly, "deserve to die? More than deserve to die!"

Several heads hung lower.

No one dares to speak.

Han Yelin looked at them coldly. He didn't speak for a long time. He was surrounded by cold air.

Suhongshan looked at him, silently held his hand and smiled at him.

Han Yelin's serious expression eased a little, and the cold air around him dissipated.

Han Yelin said coldly, "you don't have to die. Make up for your mistakes. Find out the number of experts in each family and how they trained these experts."


The people kneeling below with their heads down were all relieved.

"Well, step back," said Han Yelin.

Several people quickly stepped down.

When everyone was gone, suhongshan said:

"Don't worry?"

When I just told him about the matter of Xishi master, he obviously had doubts about the people of Xishi intelligence Pavilion, but now he still gives such an important thing to the intelligence Pavilion.

It puzzled her.

Facing Su Hongshan, Han Yelin was not serious at all. He smiled:

"Although I'd like to say that I don't doubt people, but..."

He shrugged. "I'm really worried."

Suhongshan raised her eyebrows: "so... What are you going to do?"

Han Yelin smiled: "Han Yi, Han Er, Han San."

Han Yelin spoke coldly.

Three shadows appeared in front of them and knelt on one knee: "master, madam."

"Arrange it. If there is any change, kill it directly."


One and others soon disappeared.

Suhongshan watched Yi disappear and opened her mouth:

"Didn't Yi send those people back to Dongshu?"

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