Although the stove is burning in the house, it is really cold. It's enough to wash every night. It's not summer. Where can I wash in the morning?

What's more, she doesn't have the habit of hot water in the morning. How strange is the winter solstice and Mrs. Fen today?

Su Hongshan doubts that winter solstice and finiang are more confused than she is.

"Madam, although it's not the first time, it can be comfortable to wash and wash... Madam, don't worry, the washroom in madam's room is very good. There is a stove on the side which is not so cold. After washing, we will open the window for ventilation at the first time, so that there will not be too much moisture in the room."

Seeing that Su Hongshan was still in a daze, Fen Niang thought that Su Hongshan was young and had a poor family before. She didn't know the way of it, so she said directly:

"madam, after that, it's good for your health to soak in hot water to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis."

Su Hongshan could not understand this time. Her whole face was red and black. She looked at Fen Niang and went to see the winter solstice when she was busy bringing hot water to the bathroom. She stopped and said:

"no more."

And to Fen Niang helpless way: "Fen Niang, I just sleep a sleep, don't you think of those things."

This next Fen Niang and winter solstice all understand, the sentiment is they all think much more.

Winter solstice with hot water left, just waiting for the next time to wash clothes.

But Fen Niang was looking at Su Hongshan, and tried to persuade her. But she didn't come for a long time. She was not a trusted old man around her. If she said too much, she would not be upset.

I don't want to persuade you. I'm worried.

Naturally, they want a harmonious relationship between the husband and wife.

Seeing what she wanted to say, Su Hongshan shook her head helplessly, and directly eliminated her thoughts. She pushed her out of the door and said:

"is breakfast ready? I'm hungry. "

Mrs. Fen also saw that Madame didn't want to hear it. She even said in a hurry:

"OK, madam, you can have dinner when you're ready."

Han Dazhuang stayed at home for a day, during which he went out for a trip. When he came back, he carried a wild boar, a wild roe deer, and several rabbits and pheasants.

Carrying these things back, they directly threw them to Fen Niang and asked her to deal with them and keep them.

Su Hongshan knew that this was before he left. He was afraid that he would not be there. He had to go to the town to buy some meat that was not as tasty as these game, so she might as well bring some back for her to keep.

Anyway, in winter, the weather is cold, salted with salt, or made into bacon, barbecue, sausage and other things can be put for a long time.

And the pheasant and hare are still alive, can raise, want to eat to kill again.

That night, Han Dazhuang left.

The next day, when Su Hongshan got up, she didn't see Han Dazhuang. She knew that he had gone, but the children didn't know. They thought he had gone hunting again. But when she didn't see Han Dazhuang back in the evening, they were worried.

Su Hongshan then said: "your father has something to go out, it will take a while to come back."

Her tone was relaxed, and the children were sure that they were only after they went out. They were not worried about what to do or what to do.

This is also the reason why han Dazhuang is very strong in their hearts, so they don't have to worry about it at all.

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