The next morning, Princess Xiang and assang went to the general's house one by one.

If suhongshan wants to leave the capital, all they can do is get familiar with her two children as soon as possible, so as not to let suhongshan remember her home after she leaves.

All day, suhongshan didn't enter the palace. She stayed in the intelligence Pavilion all the time.

All kinds of information about Xishi was sent to her continuously.

"Haven't you heard from ye Lao yet?" Asked suhongshan.

People in the intelligence cabinet shook their heads.

"Where's Miss?" Suhongshan asked again.

The head of the intelligence Pavilion said, "miss and childe Yin are still looking for Xishi. The news sent back some time ago is that ye Lao has not been found."

"Haven't you found it yet?" Suhongshan murmured to herself, and her expression was hard to hide.

"What about the border?"

For the next two or three days, suhongshan was in the intelligence Pavilion.

Dabao and Xiaobao were not used to it at first, but maybe they really knew that suhongshan was busy and didn't cry.

Until three days later, suhongshan accompanied the two children all day.

Maybe I knew she was leaving soon. At night, Dabao and Xiaobao didn't sleep until very late.

"Madam, I'd better go with you." Lixia said, "there are beginning of winter and beginning of spring in your family."

She really can't rest assured.

Although there are one and Liao Nan, Liao Bei and others around her, Liqiu is gone. There is no one around her who can serve her personally.

Suhongshan shook her head: "it's all right. Just take good care of Dabao and Xiaobao at home."

Lixia opened her mouth and finally said nothing.

She knows that her martial arts is far from that of Liqiu. Madam may be in danger this time, and her follow will only drag her down.

"Then come back as soon as possible."


Without saying goodbye, suhongshan took people out of town early the next morning.

At the gate of the city, King Xiang and Princess Xiang, Ruan ruling, Ruan Rumo brothers and Yao Wuliang all stood on the wall and watched her ride away.

On the other side of the city wall, Han Xiaoshan and assang are also standing there.

Assang looked at Han Xiaoshan who was worried and couldn't help asking, "ah Yue, since you're worried, why don't you leave your aunt?"

Han Xiaoshan shook his head: "Mom, as long as she makes up her mind, she will do it, and..."

Assang looked at him askance: "and what?"

"Moreover, my mother has been worried about her father. She won't be at ease when she stays in the capital." Han Xiaoshan said.

Suhongshan didn't look back until she was far away and couldn't see the tall and towering city wall. She suddenly stopped her horse and waved to the city wall.

With her ears, how could she not know the eyes on the wall watching her leave.

She knows their fears.

All she can do is solve things as soon as possible and come back as soon as possible.


The horse galloped along the official road.

The Party headed directly towards the western border.

The border between East Shu and West Shi.

It has been three days since Han Yelin received the news that Su Hongshan is coming.

Looking at the contents of the letter, he sighed helplessly.

When suhongshan returned to Beijing, he told her to wait for him in the capital if the capital settled down after she returned.

But she came anyway.

Most importantly, she is not coming to the border, but to Xishi.

How could he relax.

But what she said in her letter really matters.

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