"Well, if you want me to tell you, it's the evil done by the old Su family! What a nice girl she was. She didn't have much flesh when she died. She didn't blame the Su family. Now she doesn't recognize the old Su family. If it was me, I wouldn't recognize it either! "

"The old Su family just deserve it. If they do too much evil, they will get back evil."


women began to say that the old Su family was not right, but Ruan Rumo couldn't listen to anything.

Ruan's wife heard a lot of it from his family.

Is Ruan's sister really?

Ruan's sister disappeared 18 years ago. Su Hongshan seemed to be 16 years old this year. According to these people, Ruan's marriage soon gave birth to Su Hongshan, which is still a year short.

Can it be my sister?

Ruan Ruan's heart is very chaotic, the heart is more painful.

Unknowingly, he has returned to the door of Su Hongshan's house.

"Master." The guard around him saw him like that, and whispered a reminder.

Ruan Ruan suddenly looked back at him and murmured, "you have followed me for a long time. Do you think it is possible?"

The guard did not speak.

On this matter, he did not dare to express his views, only said: "master, do you want to check?"

He knew that the master had been running around this area to find the eldest lady who had disappeared a long time ago. In order to find the eldest lady, he had quarreled with the master for countless times. He had been running around this area for more than ten years. Since he grew up and became sensible, he has been searching for it.

I heard that when the eldest Miss disappeared, the master was only ten years old. I heard that the master and the eldest daughter were in a very good relationship.

It is said that the master is the eldest daughter who grows up. For the master, the eldest daughter is her sister and mother.

The master said more than once that the master would stay in Beijing and find a job, but the master never listened to the master. Therefore, the master and the master would quarrel each time they met, and their feelings became worse and worse.

If it wasn't for the eldest son, the master might have been killed by the master.

He can see the situation of the master. He also knows that the Ruan family in other people's mouth is really likely to be the person the master has been looking for, but this is too cruel for him.

After searching for people for so many years, they finally have clues, but they are gone. They are still not under the discussion.

Ruan Rumo did not speak for a long time.

He stood at the door of Su Hongshan's house, looked at the half closed door, took a deep breath, and returned to calm: "Cha!"

The voice Luo Zou, he raised foot to walk in.

In the yard, Han Dazhuang has come back and is cutting firewood with an ax.

At the other end, Su Hongshan and Zhang Xiaoru are sitting on the stone bench drinking tea and chatting. From time to time, there are several laughs. Except for a servant girl who is sitting under the eaves not far away, the other maids are not seen.

Ruan Rumo came in, the line of sight fell on Su Hongshan's body.

In the past, he only thought that Su Hongshan was kind-hearted and willing to talk to her. Sometimes he wanted to make a joke with her, but he never thought deeply.

But now, looking at Su Hongshan, she finally understood where that kind of facial kindness came from.

It's really like it, especially when you smile. You can see the special tenderness, modesty and atmosphere.

Looking at, the person in front of me seems to overlap with the person in memory.

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