At that time, she said it was cooperation with the Liu family, but she did develop step by step through the Liu family.

If Liu's heart was a little black at that time, even if it was to forcibly take away her red brick formula, at that time, she could not resist.

So, the Liu family has helped her. She can't get involved in the brick kiln market except Qingyang County.

Then she left Hongyu restaurant and cosmetics.

If the restaurant is able to continue to open branches, continue to grow, and she also want a lot of dishes, this is not a problem.

But even if it is a restaurant, even if it is made bigger, it can only make her rich, and can not achieve the purpose of competing with the official family.

Even with a cosmetic, it is not enough to achieve this goal.

In order to achieve the purpose of fighting against the official family, power is indispensable.

However, she can make friends with powerful people while she is in business, and these powerful people are not reliable. Especially if Ruan family or Yun family really come to her trouble, some forces less than Yun family will certainly not choose to stand behind her. This is human nature, and she should also take it into consideration.

Su Hongshan frowned and pondered, her brows tightly twisted together, and one idea after another in her mind crossed her mind.

Suddenly, she said, "Han Dazhuang, let's buy land."

Heaven and earth make the biggest meal.

If she had become the biggest grain merchant and held the world's grain in her hand, even the royal family would have to be courteous to her by then.

It's just that there are risks.

What can be done without risk?

Su Hongshan thought in her heart and slowly saw a light in the dark.

"Well, listen to the girl." Han Dazhuang said with a faint smile.

Su Hongshan said that she would do it. That night, she took a pen and paper out and made a detailed plan. She considered almost all aspects, and ignited the writing and painting on the paper.

These things, she figured out by herself, just put them in her mind, there is no need to leave traces.

Han Dazhuang has been on Su Hongshan's side, watching her write and draw plans.

Her pride and ambition in front of him without reservation, that trust let Han Dazhuang in a very good mood, until she finished, Han Dazhuang said: "tired, first rest."

Su Hongshan nodded. After getting up, she looked at Han Dazhuang and asked, "don't you ask me why I bought the land?"

Han Dazhuang's lips sparked a shallow smile. He took her to the bedside and sat down with her: "don't ask. No matter what you do, your husband will support you. Now take a rest. It's really late."

Su Hongshan looks at Han Dazhuang, who is tall and gentle in front of her. She just feels warm in her heart. She suddenly reaches out and grabs his collar, stands on tiptoe and prints a kiss on his lips.

This is too sudden, Han Dazhuang counter - should come up, eyes on a sinking down, put his hand on the back of her head to deepen the kiss.

By the end of the kiss, both were already in bed - panting.

Su Hongshan looks at Han Dazhuang, and the throbbing in her heart affects her ability to think. At the next moment, she has turned over and looked down at Han Dazhuang. Her voice is full of charm:

"Han Dazhuang, I am your wife."

Han Dazhuang's Adam's apple rolled and his eyes looked at her deeply. He couldn't bear such charming voice and ambiguous posture. At the next moment, he turned over and took the initiative: "well, you are my wife."

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