She turned to Han Dazhuang and asked, "where are the children? Are you OK with the three kids

She was suddenly arrested. The three family members must be afraid.

Thinking of Han Xiaoya's sad crying appearance, Su Hongshan's heart is a little uncomfortable, I wish I could hurry back to them and comfort them.

Han Dazhuang shook his head.

When he heard that Su Hongshan was arrested, he ran after her. However, he knew it later, used some tracking skills, and contacted some of his own people to determine the route of Su Hongshan's capture.

Along the way, in addition to the Spring Festival and radish, where there is time to meet three small family friends.

However, Su Hongshan was wrong in understanding. She thought he shook his head to say that the three little ones were OK.

A little relieved, he pulled him and said:

"let's go back quickly."

With that, she went to the carriage tied to one side, and called Han Dazhuang: "you can find something more to tie him up with and throw him on the carriage. Let's go back now."

Han Dazhuang started directly, but did not bind people. He gave him a point. He threw the man on the carriage, and then led the horse he had ridden. He tied it with the horse on the carriage and became a double horse carriage.

After all this, she reached out and pulled Su Hongshan:

"come up, let's go back."

Su Hongshan reached out her hand and felt that Han Dazhuang was just exerting a little strength. The next moment she sat beside him.

Han Dazhuang is always silent, and Su Hongshan doesn't care. She rubs her head and feels that there is still some pain in the place where she was bumped in the carriage before.

Han Dazhuang looked at her and frowned in a deep voice: "pain?"

Su Hongshan didn't want to worry him. She put down her hand and shook her head: "it's OK. It's just that she ran into the carriage before. Let's go back quickly."

They did not walk for a long time before they ran into Zhang county magistrate, who was closely following him.

Behind Zhang county magistrate and others are the beginning of spring and radish.

As soon as she saw Su Hongshan in the beginning of spring, she rushed to her in a hurry and looked at her:

"madam, are you ok?"

There was an obvious cry in her voice, which was obviously severe before.

Su Hongshan patted her on the shoulder: "it's OK, thanks to what you found earlier."

The reason why Su Hongshan was able to extricate herself from her predicament was not so much luck as her discovery early in the spring and her prompt pursuit. If one of them jumped down to get rid of the pursuers, she could not easily kick the other out of the carriage.

If two big men stare at her with good eyes, and she is still tied, even if there is a dagger sent by Han Dazhuang before being tied to her leg for self-defense, she may not be able to get out of the predicament successfully.

At the beginning of spring, he shook his head, his tears ran down, and he choked: "madam, you're OK. You're suffering."

Su Hongshan patted her on the shoulder and laughed at her: "am I ok? Stop crying

Han Dazhuang directly slipped up the horse driver who had fainted in the carriage and handed it to the county magistrate Zhang.

Zhang county as like as two peas in the hands of Han Dazhuang, he can not help but smoke. The first idea is exactly the same as Su Hongshan:

, "this person... Is dead?"

Han Dazhuang shook his head indifferently: "no!"

Zhang county magistrate was relieved. He waved his hand and asked people to pick up the fainted man in Han Dazhuang's hand. He bowed to Su Hongshan and Han Dazhuang:

"now that the criminal has been caught, I will go back and interrogate him to see if there are any accomplices. I must give an account to Mr. Han and Mrs. Han."

Thank you very much

Su Hongshan and Han Dazhuang give thanks together. Seeing Zhang county magistrate take people away, they go back together.

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