This girl is also dragged down by her family, and she has not yet made a marriage. I asked her before, trying to find a better family to marry her in the county. After marriage, she would be able to irradiate her home. But this girl is a solid eye, and she has to stay at home to take care of her parents...

now the family situation is getting worse and worse, and she just asks me for help It's all there. "

After a brief introduction of the situation, Mrs. Zhang took Su Hongshan's hand and said sincerely:

"she was a government lady after all. Although she could not be said to be outstanding in music, chess, calligraphy and painting, there was no one who was not proficient in it. As for reading and reading, let alone teaching the children in the village, there must be no problem."

"To tell you the truth, I am glad for them that you can keep both of them."

Mrs. Zhang patted Su Hongshan's hand with emotion on her face.

Su Hongshan also felt in her heart that the world was changeable. Who could have imagined that the daughters of those once prominent families who had been reduced to their homes would have to find jobs to support their families.

If put in the past, these two girls must also be beautiful.

Su Hongshan thought about the situation before she passed through. She was no different from the two girls. She was once famous and lived a happy life. As a result, later...

things are changeable!

In this world, no one can rely on themselves. The two girls can come out now, regardless of the worldly vision. They are also strong.

Su Hongshan thought for a moment and said, "Rong Yuzhi is here. What should her parents do?"

Listen to Mrs. Zhang's meaning, Rong Yuzhi's father is not in good health, and her mother is tired along with her, so she must be in poor health.

Mrs. Zhang shook her head: "Rong Yuzhi's father... I'll tell you about his temperament. He really doesn't know how to adapt and is also stubborn. Although he came to our county, he didn't want to ask for any help. My husband said more than once that he wanted him to help the county government. He just didn't want to let my husband offend him because of his involvement People... "

speaking of the former Rong Lord, Mrs. Zhang just shook her head:

" he is so temperamental that he would rather bend than bend. He was willing to help others, but he was not willing to accept other people's help, otherwise his life would not be like this. "

Although she hasn't seen Rong Yuzhi's father yet, Su Hongshan can already imagine what kind of person she is from Mrs. Zhang's words.

In the heyday, she was definitely an official in the clear and bright days, but unfortunately...

Su Hongshan shook her head and had some thoughts in her mind, but she had to wait for Wu Ruan Ruan and Rong Yuzhi to come to discuss.

But before that, she would also like to listen to Mrs. Zhang's views.

"Aunt Yue, what do you think if you let Wu Ruan's family and Rong Yuzhi's family move here?"

just in time, two courtyards were prepared for them to live in, and both of them had plenty to live in.

"Well... There should be no problem with Wu Ruan and Ruan's family. President Wu has taught students all his life. If you are willing to hire him over, he will be very happy. As for Rong Yuzhi's father..."

Mrs. Zhang shook her head, but it was obvious that this was not easy to do.

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