Spider-Man: Rebirth

Chapter 2 - Adjusting

[ ] Thoughts

The newly functional, and newly introduced Peter Parker, was now free from the backseat of his mind. From within a Rubix cube, with a single function of holding a microchip that did literally nothing, sat next to him where he stood. Dr. Octopus from within, was screaming to deaf ears, though he could thoroughly hear the movements of the new Peter.

Peter didn't like what Otto did to his suit. So he tossed it away and destroyed it. With a few exceptions. He kept the enhanced webshooters and kept the overall designs of the mechanical spider legs intact. With a mind consisting of the original Peter Parker's intellect and the new Peter Parker's confidence, nothing held back his mind anymore. He started work on a new suit, with some inspirations.

The original color scheme of the red and blue was scrapped (gasp) in favor of a Black and Blue color scheme. The normally blue parts of a Spidey costume were replaced with black, and the red parts with blue. The classic webbing pattern was also slightly changed, the webbing appearing as a light grey or a white to contrast with the darker blue. The only thing salvaged from the Superior Spider-Man look was the overall design of the ċhėst and legs, specifically the spider that transitioned from the legs to the ċhėst. that remained. But the rest of the suits actual designs, besides the color, were returned to the original.

He tweaked the arms on the back to a dark blue color, with white and grey accents across it, with the base on his back being black. The original arms just struck out at enemies or stabilized him on the ground. He wanted something different. He added some mild webbing functions to it. They couldn't be used to websling, but they could be used to cast a net or hard balls of webbing. Peter stopped designing and making to let his mind calibrate for a second. [Okay, I'm just gonna stop for a second. I'm...not Peter Parker. I'll have to get used to being called that, but I know I'm not him. But I don't remember who I used to be. So...this will eventually be all I know.] He took a breath and backed up from the counter in his lab with his new suit designs on it.

It was here that the finer details of Peter's life slapped him in the face. A woman, probably his secretary, called his phone. He picked it up and answered, because he was obviously expected to. "He-hello?" There was a pause.

"Sir? You sound...different. Are you okay?" After a frantic reassurance from Peter, she continued. "Okay, well I just wanted to remind you before you went to bed, you have an appointment in the morning with the Fantastic Four."

Peter nodded to himself, a sort of resigned acceptance to that fact. "Okay, thank you..." He recalled the caller ID from when he picked up. "...Rachel." He ended the call and took some breaths, going back through Peter's memories. He shook his head. This guy's life was so fuċkɨnġ complicated! Like, 9 or 10 different women who are or were madly in love with him, two who he has gone off and on with, 3 others within the X-Men and Avengers, geez! He shook his head. If his knowledge of comics served him right, Peter had issues balancing his superhero life with his Peter Parker life. If his new memories served him right, all the women who love Peter currently know his secret identity. That means Mary Jane Watson, Felicia Hardy, Carol Danvers (yes I'm going here, but I'm also not done with just this list), Kitty Pride, Silver Sable, and Natasha Romanov all knew his identity. That was an insane idea.

He shook his head and stood up off of his bed. If he's about to carry on the life of Peter Parker, he needs to get used to the Spider-Man side of things. But, he needed his suit first. He went back to the lab and, conveniently, Peter had a 3D printer in his lab, outfitted with great materials to quickly make the things he had designed. Within the hour, he had the new suit and the new arms attached. With a crack of his neck, he launched out of his window and into the night.

AN// Ok, so the harem, thus far:

MJ Watson (Main girl, because redhead and hot, plus canon Peter's literal wife)

Captain Marvel (not way way older than him like in the movies, though I may loosely follow the movies. She looks much much closer to his crisp age of 19.)

Kitty Pride

Silver Sable

Black Widow (also because redhead and hot)

I will probably, and very likely add more, based upon his new attitude and stuff. He'll be a slightly more serious Peter, still full of quips, but not to the same extent. Also far more vulgar, and possibly a little more brutal. No killing, but expect bone snaps here and there.

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