That's right, what appeared behind Qin Xiao was a big rock snake.

And it's an unusually large rock snake.

This guy, just poking his head out of the forest, is half the length of an ordinary large rock snake.

You must know that the average length of the common large rock snake is about 8.8 meters.

And this one is at least more than 20 meters long.

It can indeed be called a big rock snake.

While seeing it, Qin Xiao couldn't help but recall in his mind that he had seen such a huge rock snake in the animation in his previous life.

The big rock snake was not lightly abused by Xiao Zhi's initial trio at the beginning, but later it was Master Xiba who came out and relied on the strongest secret technique, Mouth Escape, to successfully subdue it.

I didn't expect that there was such a huge rock snake inhabiting my farm.

While Qin Xiao was afraid, he was faintly surprised in his heart.

But right now, this huge rock snake doesn't matter if you are frightened or surprised, in its rage, its only thought is to destroy everything in front of it.

Including the five ants who were not far from themselves.

"Roar!!" the

huge rock snake let out a deafening roar, flicked its huge thick tail, rolled up a huge tree, and threw it at the farm's living quarters.

Looking at the flying giant tree, getting closer and closer to him, Qin Xiao thought of the five Pokémon behind him who were still stunned, so he could only shout loudly: "Run!!"

But when he just turned around, he found that behind him, there was already no Pokémon.

In his shocked gaze, he could see the Flying Mantis fleeing eastward, and the little fire dragon running in the direction of the beach.

And Mashana used teleportation to teleport to the waterfall next to the lake.

There is also kung fu to use the impact of the waterfall to temper your body.

Sure enough, for cultivators, only when the sky falls and they are not afraid of danger can they achieve the Great Dao.

Even the fattest Kirbymon of the five of them ran fast, and the speed was as fast as if they had been trained to fly on the grass.

As for Haoli, hehe~

It's a ...... that runs by car

Qin Xiao didn't have time to be stunned or sad at the moment, so he could only scold them for being unrighteous while throwing off his two thighs and running wildly.



suddenly there was a loud bang behind him.

Qin Xiao, who was fleeing, subconsciously turned his head and saw that the cabin where he had lived for many days had been smashed to pieces by a giant tree that had fallen from the sky.

Then, the giant rock serpent began to run over the farm's living quarters.

The abandoned warehouse, also because it blocked its way, was crushed by it.

Today, in the entire farm, only one intact building remains.

Just as this thought flashed through his mind, a boulder, like a meteor, instantly smashed into the shipping hut.

"Oh no!!"

Qin Xiao's eyes cracked.

At this moment, he was overwhelmed with grief and thought that he had just started the reconstruction of the farm, and had not yet taken the first step.

The farm was razed to the ground by the huge rock snake that the little fire dragon had provoked from nowhere.

All this, is God embarrassing himself, or is the little fire dragon sent by God to punish him.

Suddenly, Qin Xiao was careless and tripped over a stone.

He struggled to get up, but couldn't stand up for a while because of a leg bruise.

He could only turn around, put his hands on the ground, and look at the huge rock snake that was getting closer and closer to him with a frightened expression, and kept retreating.

The eyes of the huge rock snake flashed with a fierce light, and its mountain-like body exuded a powerful force that made people's hearts palpitate.

"Roar!!" looked up to the sky with a long roar, and the sound was like rolling thunder.

Just when it came to a distance of only more than ten meters from Qin Xiao, Qin Xiao subconsciously closed his eyes, thinking, "It's over, I'm going to go back to the furnace to rebuild..."

His expression was awe-inspiring, and he moved at the same time.

When a childish roar sounded in Qin Xiao's ears, he slowly opened his closed eyes.

In front of him, he saw five figures of different sizes standing.

Standing in the middle was the one who caused all this, the little fire dragon who spat out a pillar of scorching flames.

When the little fire dragon used the jet flame towards the huge rock snake, the flying mantis, Haoli, and Masana kicked under their feet at the same time and jumped into the air.

Heading straight for the head of the huge rock snake, almost at the same time, the three Pokémon used all their strength to perform a fighting attribute move - Splitting Tile.


the sound pierced the clouds and cracked the stones.

With one hit, the huge rock snake fell to the ground with a bang.

But its strong physique did not make it incapacitated, and it struggled to get back on its feet.

Because of the trick just now, the whole strength of the three Pokémon has been exhausted.

So that they can only protect Qin Xiao behind them with a firm face now.

The little fire dragon's jet flame slowly extinguished.

At this critical juncture, Kirbymon moved!

I saw a kick under its feet, and with a bang, the ground under its feet instantly cracked.

Kirbymon's fat body seemed to turn into a cannonball, and it slammed out.

As it got closer and closer to the giant rock serpent, Kirbymon slowly raised his right fist.

An astonishing chill quickly converged on its fist.

With Kirbymon's punch, it slammed into the head of the giant rock snake.

A dazzling blue light suddenly appeared, and the cold aura of the forest cold suddenly enveloped the stupid body of the huge rock snake.

In an instant, the huge rock snake was frozen and turned into a brilliant ice sculpture in the summer.

Seeing this, Qin Xiao muttered incredibly: "Frozen... Frozen?".

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