When a jealous storm ends, it is natural to come to the formal transaction.

After Uncle Ivan's careful weighing and calculation.

The total weight of Qin Xiao's batch of light cod meat is 90 kilograms, which is calculated according to the market purchase price of 800 elf coins per kilogram.

The total is: 72,000 yuan elf coins.

After totaling the specific amount, Uncle Ivan took out the phone and called the company, and the payment was quickly transferred to Qin Xiao's bank account.

Because in the morning, Qin Xiao bought a large number of Poké Balls, and also bought a lot of fruit tree seedlings and wheat seeds and other miscellaneous things.

The money from selling gold beads before was only about 10,000 yuan.

So the total balance in his bank account now is more than 80,000.

Watching the enlarged version of the monster force dump all the light cod meat onto the van truck, Uncle Ivan said to Qin Xiao who was standing beside him: "Qin, I see that you have already started farming." "

The light cod fishery has also been established, isn't it time to consider building a refrigerated fresh

storage?" "Cold storage and fresh storage?" Qin Xiao's expression looked a little puzzled.

"Yes. Uncle Ivan nodded his head and continued: "You think, as your farm becomes more and more perfect, there will be more and more varieties and quantities of agricultural products produced in the future.

"Because of the variety of products, some of these agricultural products, such as high-end ingredients such as light cod meat, can easily spoil if they are not stored properly or sold in a timely manner.

"Often, in this case, the farm needs to build a refrigerated storage room to store food.

"With refrigerated storage, you can also store food for the winter on your farm.

"You know, it's cold in the winter in Oga Town.

"Not only will the lake and the sea be frozen, but even the three bees, the Pokémon who collect pollen to make honey in spring and summer, will also go into hibernation.

"The light cod from your fishery will also stop shedding fat during the cold winter months.

"So, you need to store enough food for the winter before it comes.

After listening to Uncle Ivan's words, Qin Xiao suddenly realized.

He had only thought about building barns, greenhouses, plantations, etc., but he had forgotten about storing food for the winter before winter came.

Although there is only one human on his own farm for the time being, there are many Pokémon who open their mouths to eat.

So it is true that a refrigerated fresh-keeping warehouse needs to be built as soon as possible.

Seeing that Qin Xiao had figured it out, Uncle Ivan patted him on the shoulder, greeted him with a smile and drove away from the farm.

After he left, Qin Xiao glanced at the time, more than an hour had passed from harvesting light cod meat to fighting Uncle Ivan's Pokémon.

However, the police station has not yet sent police officers to the farm.

Qin Xiao was anxious to mail the piece of light cod meat left in advance back to China, so he asked the Pokémon to take care of the house.

Alone in a pickup truck and heading to the town of Oga again.

On the way, he was still thinking about what kind of refrigerator he should build.

In the northeast of Qin Xiao's hometown, in addition to using freezers and refrigerators to store food, the countryside usually digs a cellar.

Somewhat similar to what a basement looks like.

The summer cellar can play a role in preventing heat and cooling, while the winter cellar can play a role in keeping warm.

Therefore, in the northern region of China, many rural families have cellars.

It seems that in the country of Mao Xiong, there are also people who use cellars to store pickles, jams and other foods.

This is also one of the easiest ways to store food for Qin Xiao at the moment.

However, digging a cellar, not to mention the limited space, the refrigeration and preservation effect is not too good.

In addition to that, there is a method.

That is to buy a large refrigerated fresh-keeping cabinet that is powered by electricity.

But the disadvantage of this kind of refrigerated fresh-keeping cabinet is also obvious, that is, the cost is too high.

Moreover, Qin Xiao did not accept the electric attribute Pokémon for the time being.

After thinking about it, the pickup trucks all arrived at the town's express station, and Qin Xiao didn't think of a plan that satisfied him.

Parking the car at the door of the express station, Qin Xiao walked in with the wrapped light cod meat.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw that the express station was very busy, not only the staff were busy filling out the list for customers, but also seven or eight wrists and Haoli were carrying large or small boxes.

In addition to this, there is also a very special Pokémon that also helps at the courier station.

That is - the messenger bird.

The Courier Bird is a red, hollow bird Pokémon.

The reason why the messenger bird thing is a very special Pokémon is because it has a special tail.

Its tail is like a cloth bag.

The messenger bird has a magical space inside its tail, somewhat similar to the system space described in the novel.

It can fit many goods.

After special training by the courier company, these messenger birds can also read the information on the courier list.

In this world, there is also a legend about messenger birds.

Legend has it that on Christmas Day, the messenger bird assists Santa Claus in delivering gifts to each child.

Therefore, it is also the most coveted Pokémon for many children.

Looking at the messenger bird that was busy transporting the courier in and out, Qin Xiao thought enviously that he must also subdue a messenger bird in the future.

In this way, he is equivalent to having the same system space as the protagonist of the novel.

After queuing up to fill out the courier form, the staff at the express station also enthusiastically put ice packs into the package.

This ensures that the chilled food is not prone to spoilage during the express delivery.

Qin Xiao watched curiously as the staff handed over the packaged package and the courier order to a messenger bird, and the messenger bird glanced at the courier information.

Nodding to the staff, he tucked the package into his tail.

Then he walked out of the express station under Qin Xiao's gaze, flapping his wings and flying towards the blue sky.

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