Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1030: Wind and rain temple 3

"My brother had planned to come back and tried to find a solution, but he never came back, so he dragged it. It is really thanks to you."

Ye Shaoyang suddenly realized that the woman was evil in Chengdu. Although the evil spirits were not divided into regions, the Miao Xinjiang wizards were generally closed. They dealt with some common things in the local area. Some of the strange phenomena have not been seen, and they are normal. Can't say that people's level is low.

What Ye Shaoyang thinks of, asks: "Are your aunt a witch?"

Seeing Mu Qingyu shaking his head, he asked: "Why did the family raise Huang Daxian?"

Mu Qingyu explained: "That is not raised. In our case, there is a saying that the immortal is the immortal. The general idea is that no matter what animal comes from the house, it cannot be driven. If it does not go by itself, then it will live with it. Enshrine, do not care about it.

If you come to one of the four immortals, this is a blessing, it can't help the homeowner to be outside, but can avoid any evils entering the home. The Wong Tai Sin lived in my aunt's house for more than ten years, and I have already become a family, so I will take the initiative to attack me. ”

Mu Qingyu said, one hand took off the steering wheel and touched the head of the melon.

Guagua lies in the middle of her legs, her head is on her lower abdomen, very comfortable.

Mu Qingyu was teased by its so cute look.

"You are more lovely than the black wizards, and they are more friendly. The little devil is like a bad dog. Others can't touch it."

Guagua was a little dissatisfied and complained, "Sister, don't take me to the lower evil spirits."

Mu Qingyu touched his head again. "Yeah. You are the best. I listened to A Huang and said, you can easily hold him."

Guagua is proud of a smile.

Mu Qingyu slowed down the speed, looked up and down Ye Shaoyang, and said:

"You have such a powerful ghost servant, you must be able to have your own strength. It is really impossible for people to look at each other. In my heart, the Taoist priests are very handsome. At least they should be heroic and not too cumbersome..."

Suddenly I came back to God, and Yang Shaoyang apologized and smiled. "I don't mean that. I praise you... well, real people don't show up."

"Hey!" Guagua couldn't help but laugh.

"Thank you." Ye Shaoyang turned his head to one side, a black line, and his self-esteem suffered a thousand points of damage.

The two talked in the driving, Ye Shaoyang told Mu Qingyu, a friend in the middle of the shackles, there is no way to come to her brother to help.

When I was on the phone with Lengyu, Mu Qingyu simply knew about things, but I didn't know that things were so serious.

"蛊中蛊!" Mu Qingyu's eyes stunned the boss, said aloud, "Scorpio, now there are people who will kneel down!"

“Is it unusual?”

“It’s very unusual!” Mu Qingyu told him that in the decades of modern society, the development was too fast. Many Miao people who used to live in the mountains have entered the city. Most of the old traditions in the past have also lost most of them, including witchcraft. .

Nowadays, the number of white wizards and black wizards is very small. Many skills are lost, and now they are going to kneel down. They are all older wizards, and there are few young people.

"As for the special technique of 蛊中蛊, I am afraid that only some old wizards in the mountains will be able to." Mu Qingyu reached a conclusion.

"What about blood wizards?" Ye Shaoyang asked casually.

Mu Qingyu was shocked and stepped on the brakes. He parked the car on the side of the road and looked at him with surprise: "Do you know the blood wizard?"

"I used to deal with it and fight the law."

"Where is it?"

"100,000 mountains... a place called the Valley of the Dead, I don't know exactly where."

Mu Qingyu gasped and relaxed, and said: "That's good, don't appear in our Xiangxi, these people... are all abnormal, and very strong."

"Strength... is it strong?" Ye Shaoyang frowned. Recalling the last fight with the blood wizard, he hit a group and did not feel particularly powerful.

"Of course it is very powerful. You can fight with the blood wizard, you can survive. It is really not easy. Is there a high man to save you?"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and admitted that she would not ask her to ask, and she would not be able to explain the consequences before and after.

"Can your brother solve the shackles?" Ye Shaoyang asked nervously.

"Maybe, he is very good."

When she heard her say this, Ye Shaoyang was relieved. When he thought about it carefully, his own problem was superfluous. If Mu Qingfeng did not have any extraordinary talents, why should he let himself come here?

Unconsciously, the raindrops on the car windshield are getting denser and denser.

Before the sky was still in the sun, suddenly the clouds were overcast and the rain was screaming.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly remembered what happened to her aunt and her aunt, and couldn’t help but mention it.

Mu Qingyu sighed and said while driving, "You are also a mage, I am not jealous of you, and I am replaced by a foreigner. I will not believe it."

We are mountainous here, there are a lot of rain, but the locals have long been used to know how to defend against flash floods. However, this year's rains are particularly large, and it has not stopped for almost half a month, and only this area is raining in the mountains of dozens of miles, and everything else is fine. ”

Ye Shaoyang listened to her tone, knowing that this matter must be awkward, did not make a sound, listened to her continue to say.

"This rainstorm is actually related to Lushan God. We recently built a highway here. Just about a month ago, when the engineering team opened the mountain, a stone monument was dug up. The upper end was a sinuous shape, and then it was taken by the cultural relics department. Take it away.

There are some old wizards in the locality who say that it is a monument to the mountains. It is to suppress the water and soil of one side. It must not be taken away, or natural disasters will occur.

Sure enough, this incident did not last half a month. There was heavy rain in the mountains. The flash floods broke out. Several villages built along the mountain were flooded and many people died.

The rain has not stopped. Later, several old wizards, along with some villagers, went to the government to petition and demanded the return of the stone tablet. The government certainly refused to say that they promoted superstition and almost punishes crimes, so... things are like this now. ”

After listening to Ye Shaoyang, he was shocked in his heart and muttered: "The town of Shanzhen does have this saying, but this is only the symbolic meaning of Feng Shui. Where can I really manage the rain?"

Mu Qingyu said: "This is just the saying of your Han people. In our place, the wind and rain are all a mountain god. It is said that this was originally enshrined in the temple of the mountain. Later, because of the flood, it was suppressed by a wizard. Buried in the ground, Hong fruit stopped, how do you explain this?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled, and Mu Qingyu said this, he believed it, but from a principle point of view, it is not so simple to use the stone monument to suppress the flood.

At that time, the wizard must have other behaviors. It is probably the knowledge in the art of cultivating the feng shui.

(Recently someone pretending to be me. Please look for it. My Weibo name is: Master of the Spiritual Master, the public number is: Qingzi v5, personal WeChat is: Qingzi Terror Emperor, except for this is fake. I will never give it to everyone. Ask for any substance or sponsorship, please be careful not to be used by scammers. Also recently written is the real thing that happened in the previous two years. Interested in searching for “Sichuan Zhenshui Beast”.

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