Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1501: Torture 2

As soon as the sentence was said, several people from the Taiyin Mountain were stunned, and the Tongxuan people were also stunned.

Guagua is also a face-lifting, see this buddy is so cool, shouldn't it be such awkward person?

Sure enough, with the release of the next sentence of the Great Spirit, everyone understood that things were far from being as simple as they thought:

The two green eyes of Da Lingguan exposed on the gauze swept the past one by one.

"As long as a few can get out of the Qing Dynasty, I will accompany you for a trip."

Tong Xuan Dao secretly vomited.

In the Qing Dynasty, even the human masters must not enter, not to mention the people from the Taiyin Mountain. If the corporal spirits leave, they must be trapped here.

The faces of people coming from Taiyin Mountain showed a hesitant look and cast their gaze on the face of the general.

The general of the haze stepped forward, and a large ghost hand held the hilt and looked at the great sergeant. His eyes were extremely cold.

Da Lingguan did not care, and said calmly: "I advise you not to do it with me, you may have forgotten, here is the Qing Dynasty, not the ghost domain."

The general of the haze was stagnant, saying: "What does that big spiritual official mean?"

"This is only twelve years old. I have a very close relationship with Ye Shaoyang. I have to send it to my princess. After I have seen her, I will decide more."

The general of the haze snorted: "Take it, and you will return it to us."

Da Ling official said: "I can't control this."

"Hit a fight, whoever wins me will go with whom!" Guagua picked up.

His opening reminded the Tongxuan people and said: "I see this, let's take it. The purpose of my relationship with the big sergeant is in Ye Shaoyang. You want this kid. It's better for us to introduce Ye Shaoyang now. ambush.

Although Ye Shaoyang is a man of law, he is also very scheming. It is extremely difficult to deal with, but once we have an ambush, we have this kid in hand, not afraid that he will not follow suit. After the incident, I will send this kid to you to bring back the Taiyin Mountain. How do you feel? ”

The generals of the haze looked at him and said, "Do you have any way to let Ye Shaoyang come?"

"It is Ye Shaoyang's ghost servant. The two are connected by their lives. Just activate its soul seal and alert Ye Shaoyang. Ye Shaoyang will know the position and will come quickly. When the time comes, please ask the big sergeant to open the gap in the Qing Dynasty and let him in. Things will be done."

The generals of the haze and the big sergeants looked at each other, and they thought about each other in their hearts. This was indeed the best way to get rid of the deadlock, so they agreed.

"The speed is fast. The forces of the parties here are crossing each other. It is not the territory of my corpse. If someone comes, it will be inappropriate." The great sergeant urged.

"Hey, you guys-"

"Shut up, you." Tongxuandao put a ghost symbol on the head of the melon, and the melon could not move immediately.

The mark on the ghost symbol suddenly turned up, turned into golden light, and infiltrated into the head of the melon.

Tong Xuan Dao laughed: "Little Wang, you will experience the bliss of the world."

The voice did not fall, there was a strange feeling in the mind of the melon, as if there were many bugs crawling, more and more, one only crawled on his own brain, this feeling of hemp and itching, coming The stronger it is.

Guagua can't wait to put both hands into his head and scratch it, but the whole body is fixed by the spirits, and it can't move. It doesn't take long for a face to become pale and colorless. There are fine sweat beads oozing on the forehead. The cheeks flow down...

Ghost sweating! When many evil things are seen, they are somewhat moving.

Only when the gods are severely wounded and the pain is at the extreme, will the tears flow out.

The generals of the haze said with some confidence: "We want him to go back and use it, and must not be injured."

"Reassuring, it is only the pain of the gods, the soul and the deity will not be hurt."

Tongxuandao looked at the painful look of the melon, smiled happily, waited for a while, drew a few strokes on his forehead, the painful feeling suddenly disappeared, the melons gasped and felt like they could talk. It is.

"Little prince, can't stand it, activate the soul print, tell you how the boss came to save you?"

Guagua looked at him coldly and said: "Three words, roll your mother, no, four words."

Tongxuandao people are not angry, but they have drawn two strokes. The feeling of itching to the extreme has appeared again, and even more so than now, the melons are biting their teeth...

A few minutes later, the Tongxuan people interrupted torture again and asked again.

"You are paralyzed!" Guagua still returned a swearing word.

"The mouth is hard, no problem." Tongxuandao painted a few strokes on his forehead. The feeling of itching, flowing along the meridians, quickly spread throughout the body, the melancholy wants to scream, the gods Almost teared, the line of sight is blurred, as if I feel like I am in a sea of ​​fire, countless ants are eating their bodies, some are crawling into their bodies, crawling in their minds, in the meridians, and even in the soul. Come and climb...

It’s more difficult than death, and it’s more painful than the soul.

With the practice of Tongxuandao, these feelings disappeared immediately.

"How, little lord, as long as you activate the soul print, and raise your hand, everything is over. I promised to let go of the little devil before, and I did it. I still can't say anything this time."

Tong Xuan Dao people follow his temptation in his ear.

"This kind of pain is not something that can be endured by any living being. It is not easy for you to stick to it now. You will do everything right. You don't have to keep going. What do you say?"

Guagua has been weak and can't speak, but still opened his eyes and handed him a contemptuous look.

Even if you come, let me sell the boss, it is impossible!

Guagua said in his heart, he is also telling himself.

Tongxuan Dao people shook their heads and continued to use punishment...

The general of the haze looked at him and frowned. Although he did not experience it himself, but he looked at the melons, he also thought about what kind of pain he was suffering, and asked himself if the torture of this **** was Used on yourself, I am afraid that even if you let the secret of the Taiyin Mountain be said, should you say it?

"This kid, the bones are really hard..."

Tongxuandao said with a beard and murmured. He not only used the punishment, but also used the method of sorrow: if it is continuing pain, it is better to say that he stops using the sentence every once in a while, and that Guagua is experiencing two days of ice and fire, like a person who is drowning, Suddenly breathing, the pleasure of this breath will far exceed the usual, the more I do not want to return to the previous situation.

A few rounds down, even if it is the will of the iron, will definitely yield.

However, the firmness of Guagua’s beliefs also made him not think of it. He has no desire, he does not understand why Guagua is like this. If it is a loyal faith, can the power of faith really be strong enough to this point?

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